My Favourite Patient

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Imagine for Alex_Madagaskarth

Your name is Hunter, you are 17 years old. One of your biggest fears is the dentist. Ever since the first appointment you have had a crush on him and then something happens.
*smut warning*

Hunter's P.O.V.

I never thought I would have to admit this. Since I am 17, you really wouldn't expect it yet here I am, about to admit one of my biggest secrets. I am afraid of the dentist. Every time I think about it, my stomach tightens into knots and the feeling that I am on a roller coaster settles itself comfortably inside me. It doesn't help that my dentist is so fucking cute but at the same time so hot. His British accent sends ripples of shivers down my spine with every word making it impossible to look him in the eye or sit still. When I asked, he told me he was from Essex and even though he hasn't been in the US for that long, he is already picking up the way we speak. Not to mention my stomach erupts into butterflies, hence why it feels like a roller coaster. Oh did I mention he's in a band because well yeah, he is and it's called All Time Low.

Today I had an appointment. At just the mere thought, I felt nauseous and I hadn't even left my bed. The cotton covers were wrapped tightly around my body. They were cool; however, they still kept me warm and gave me the feeling of security. As I breathed in the scent of frsh green apple and exotic mango, my thoughts wandered.I began to think about the impossible. My dentist being my boyfriend. My skin tingled at the thought. I was growing deeper and deeper in thought until I heard the chorus of "Get Up," by Shinedown blasting from my phone.

Reluctantly, I hauled myself from my safe space and into the bathroom. I flicked on the light and stared at my expression in the mirror. My bleach blonde bob was sticking up like I had been electrocuted and my skin was basically a desert. I stripped out of my Jack Skellington onesie and climb slowly into the tub, allowing the heat of the water to fill me. After thoroughly washing my hair with my tea tree shampoo and conditioner, I washed my body with my favourite shower gel; it was a lemon and lime scented one and it was heaven in a bottle.

I wrapped a soft cream towel around my petite frame and dried off. I put on the cutest lingerie set I owned which consisted of a lace, navy blue bra and matching panties; a crimson red dress that hugged my curves like its life depended on it and some black sneakers to complete it. I got my favourite backpack and filled it with essentials; deodorant, gum, charging pack, charging cable and a few other items, including my phone. I swung int onto my right shoulder and trudged downstairs to have breakfast.

The night before, I had put some fruit, yogurt and oats in a bow and left it in the fridge to chill so I headed over to the fridge. My bag slid down my arm and onto the floor. While I sat at the table eating my breakfast, I was again beginning to think of the impossible.  I could not get the image if him from my head. He was so perfect. From his mop of bleach blond hair; to his bushy yet sexy eyebrows and even to his chocolate eyes which melted my heart turned my brain to mush even when I saw much as caught a glimpse of them.

As soon as I was done, I had glass of orange juice then headed back up to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I made sure to brush them for a full 2 minutes before flossing and running downstairs since I was running late, as always. I grabbed my bag from the kitchen before running out of the house and locking the door. As much as I really didn't wanna go, I had no choice. My brother would find out and drag me there. I practically threw myself into my car. Once my seat belt was on, I began the painful drive to the clinic. Painful because I really would rather be in bed and bot because I was in physical pain.

I pulled up about 10 minutes later and found myself making my way through the double doors. The receptionist was wearing a perfect smile. His hair was slicked back and there was a cold brew on the side of the desk I had never seen him before, he must have been new. "Hey there," he said weirdly happily when I reached the desk. "You must be Dr Gaskarth's 12:30pm appointment, Hunter Barakat?" I nodded slowly. He told me to wait in the waiting room and that the doctor would be out soon. I did as I was told. It was weird how he knew my appointment. He is very good at his job.

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