Over Protective Boyfriend

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Imagine for user07925438

You're Niall Horan's boyfriend/girlfriend and even though you love him you despise his career. He is a dentist so you just can't escape check-ups or any other necessary appointments at his clinic. After hiding it for so long, he finally catches on that something is bothering you. That something is your wisdom teeth. Due to being in a lot of pain for so long, you cave and let him fix you.

Y/N P.O.V.

I was awoken to hands being ran softly through my hair. As my eyes flicked open, I couldn't help but smile at the sight before me. "Morning beautiful," his voice was soft and despite living in London all this time his Irish accent was still thick. Today was Saturday, his day off, and every morning he would wake me at 10am. I glanced over at the clock and smiled to myself. "Mm morning baby." I hummed as I cuddled further into him. He pulled me close and held me tight. I didn't want to leave my bed it was comfy and my favourite person was right by my side.

 I looked up at him. I studied each of his features. The way his lips curved into a smirk; the way his hair sat tousled on his head; the way the sun light streaming through the curtains blessed his perfect skin and especially his eyes. They were a stunning shade of sea blue.  The soft look on his face turned into one of concern as he looked down at me. "Wh-what is it?" I questions, panic slowly seeping into my voice. "You're jaw looks swollen baby." He sat up properly and pulled me onto his lap. "I'm fine Niall, don't worry about it," I tried my best to convince him but it was no use. When he was set on something, he wouldn't let it go.

He delicately tilted my head upwards. "Let me know if I hurt you sweetie." I nodded as he began carefully feeling along my jaw from the very back of my neck. When he reached my jaw, I winced in pain. "Did that hurt angel?" He quizzed. I shook my head. "Don't lie, please sweetheart, I just wanna make sure you're okay." I swallowed hard. His face softened. "Look, I know you're scared of the dentist but leaving it be can do more harm than good." I nodded again. My words felt trapped. I watched helplessly as he grabbed his phone from the bedside table. "I need to have a look okay baby?" Suddenly, I felt my eyes start to sting as they pricked with tears. "O-okay." I stuttered out. He turned on his phone flashlight and tilted my head back further. Using his thumb and forefinger, he pulled my chin down and held his phone above my head.

"Oh baby," he sighed softly as I closed my mouth and he put his phone down. "I'm not surprised your jaw is so swollen and causing you pain. Your wisdom teeth have forced themselves in." I swallowed hard and let the tears fall. He sighed softly and pulled me into a tight hug. "She's y/n it's gonna be okay, I'm gonna take good care of you." He stroked my hair softly until I calmed and stopped crying. "I need to take you to the clinic alright baby." I caved and nodded.

*               *               *

It wasn't long before I found myself sitting in the passengers seat of the car. The drive to his clinic passed by much faster than I would have preferred. It only took a few minutes for us to arrive at the place I hated most on earth. Reluctantly, I climbed out of the car. "C'mon then cutie," he called as he walked toward the doors. I didn't move. I stood and stared at him. He looked over his shoulder at me. After shaking his head a little, he came over and scooped me up bridal style before carrying me into the building. The place was rather colorful. The walls were a pale blue and the waiting room was filled with kids toys and magazines. He carried me back to a private room, closing the door as he entered.

Gently, he sat me down in the large leather seat. My hands gripped the arms of the chair while I waited for him to set up. "Hey deep breaths baby, you're gonna be just fine. He cooed softly as he snapped on a pair of gloves and placed a mask over his face. He rolled up behind me on his stool and placed a bib around my neck. "Just look right at me babe." So I did. I stared right into his beautiful eyes. I let myself relax and didn't even notice the chair going back or him moving the light. "Okay, y/n, baby i need you to open up for me." I opened my mouth slowly. " Good job," his voice was calm which helped a great deal.

My breaths were shaking as he properly checked me over. I was scared there's no denying it but I had to do this. He removed his tools from my mouth and i closed it carefully. "Alright sweetie I'm gonna set up, I want you to just relax the best you can." I nodded too afraid to talk as he gathered his tools. Once again, he rolled his swivel chair up behind me. "Okay so in a few seconds your gonna feel really sleepy so don't be afraid to close your eyes or sleep if you need to." He whispered softly as he placed an oxygen mask on my face. "10.....9.....8....." he began slowly counting down. My eyes grew heavy. "7......6......5.....4....." i let them slowly shut. "3.......2....." black splotches started to appear. "1...." All the light around me shrunk into a speckle before disappearing. Just before I fell asleep I felt my mouth being delicately propped open.

*               *               *

When I opened my eyes, I was back in bed. My entire mouth and face was numb. I looked to the side to see Ni smiling down me. "Hey there beautiful, you just rest up now." He said before kissing my cheek. I poked my lip and giggled. I continued to giggle until i fell onto my side from laughing so much. Niall lifted me back up into the sitting position. "Looks like I'm gonna have to keep a closer eye on you than I first thought baby."

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