Luke Hemmings' sister

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Imagine for BarbaraSieger5

Your name is Becca, you are 13 years old and your older brother Luke, and his friends Michael and Ashton, are dentists. During a check up, Michael notices something. (don't play the song till I say)

Becca's P.O.V.

I stood in front of my vanity mirror brushing my dirty blonde locks. Many people said I looked a lot like my brother, Luke.  We both had the same sky-blue eyes and the same blonde hair. I was dressed in ripped, black, skinny jeans; my favourite 5 Seconds Of Summer shirt, with a flannel tied around my waist and to finish it old, beaten-up Vans. "Come on Becca! I gotta go to work and you have an appointment!" Luke called from the bottom of the stairs. I quickly brushed my teeth. When I reached the back of my mouth, I flinched. I didn't have time to do anything so I finished off and ran downstairs, grabbing my beanie off my bed as I passed.

"Hey Lukey," I jumped on his back. Thankfully, he caught me. He carried me out to the car and set me down so I could climb in. I clambered into the front seat and sorted my seat belt while my brother did the same. I turned on the radio and began blasting "Jet Black Heart" (Play the song). Luke just laughed and start driving to the clinic where he worked and where I had my appointment. I got through the whole song and a few others by the time we pulled up.

As we made our way towards the sliding doors, I could see Michael for us. His blond hair was pin-straight and his glasses complimented his face shape perfectly.  "Hey Mikey," Luke chirped as we entered. "Hey Luke, there is a patient in exam room 6 for you. She needs a root canal and her wisdom teeth out. Ashton's waiting for you" My brother nodded and headed down to the exam room. Michael turned to look at me. "Hey Becca, I'm Michael, the hygienist." I giggled. "I know. We have met at least 10 times in the past." He chuckled and lead me back to exam room 5. He asked me to have a seat in the chair, which I did. I watched as he washed and dried his hands before snapping on a pair of gloves and placing a mask over his mouth and nose.

"Alright hun, open really big for me." He said kindly as he brought the light down.  I obliged and opened. He began counting and carefully removing any build up from my teeth with his explorer. As he made his way towards the back of my mouth, I flinched. "Did that hurt hun?" I nodded slowly. He gently retracted my cheek so he could see it better. "Ah, I see the problem. You have a cavity. It looks pretty deep if I'm being honest so what I'll do is clean your teeth, take some x-rays and then get Luke and Ash to sort if for you. I that alright?"

"Yeah that's fine," I said quietly as I processed everything he had just explained. I opened my mouth so he could finish off. After he was done, he asked me to close my mouth. I watched him stand up from the stool behind me and go into drawer. "What kind of toothpaste would you like: bubblegum, strawberry or mint?" I thought for second before answering his question. "Mint please." He nodded and came back over to me. I continued to watch as he sat back down and put the toothpaste on the brush. "Alright, open for me please sweetie," I obeyed. Delicately, he glided the brush across my teeth in slow circular motions, making sure to thoroughly clean my teeth.

Once he had finished, he took a few x-rays just to be sure. As the x-rays were being finished, Luke and Ashton came into the exam room. "Hey Luke, hey Ash," Michael said in a somewhat cheerful voice. "Luke your sister needs a root canal would you be able to help me out?" I looked hopefully at my older brother, who was standing by the door. "Yeah sure," he said calmly and I smiled wide knowing I was in safe hands. While my brother was organising himself, Michael asked me to open wide again. I did as I was told and he placed a numbing topical by the injection site. My mouth felt tingly. I could see the syringe behind his back but needles don't phase me so I opened my mouth and closed my eyes tightly, well after I had been asked to. "Deep breath sweetie," he said gently. I took a deep breath and I'm not gonna lie I flinched slightly as he gave me the injection, both of them at that.

"Okay, let's give that a minute to work." I nodded and looked up at the ceiling. I heard the door get pushed open. "Hey is Ash in here?" I was Calum. Ashton made his way towards his mate. "Hey Cal, what's up?" I turned my head to look in their direction. "My patient is really nervous could you come and hold their hand?" I smiled a little to myself. "Of course man." The duo left and headed back to the exam room that held the nervous patient. By the time they left, I looked up to see Luke sitting behind me. I smiled up at him. I could tell he smiled back due to the creases by his eyes. "Alright sis, how's your mouth feeling?" I poked my cheek and giggled. I couldn't feel anything. "Numb?" I nodded yet again.

"Good, now can you open really wide for me?" As much as I liked to wind my brother up, I decided against it since it was a serious time. I opened and he placed a rubber damn around my tooth. He began drilling and the noise was horrible. Michael placed his hand over mine causing me to squeeze it a little. Not out of fear but more like a thank you. A few minutes later, my brother began cleaning out the debris and making sure there was no risk of infection.

"You're doing good sis and I promise we're almost done." His voice was soft and gentle. I nodded. "Okay so what's gonna happen is I'll put a sealer paste and rubber compound called gutta percha into the tooth's root canal; I'll fill the exterior hole that was made by the drill and to finish off I'll place a crown on the top." I nodded in understanding and let him get to work. It took a little bit of time but it wasn't horrible. Before long, the whole ordeal was over and I was pretty damn glad about it. As the chair rose, Luke began to speak to me: "so there will be not hard foods; only soft foods for the next few days." I whined as I clambered out of the chair. My brother removed his mask and gloves along with Michael. The two tidied the room.

Before long, I was back home with Luke. He sat me on the couch. "You're on couch lock down so you need to rest." he said as he walked into the kitchen. Ugh he is so over protective. I picked up my maths homework from the coffee table and began working on it. Moments later, he waltzed back in. "What did I say?" I sighed. "But it's homework, I need to get it done Luke," I whined making sure to pout at the end. "I don't care," he began as he removed it from my hand. "Rest, you need it." I sighed and watched him go back into the kitchen with my homework. This was boring. I climbed off the couch and quietly ran upstairs. I grabbed my laptop, a charger, a phone charger, some blankets and a book and hurried back down. By the time Luke came back in, I was snuggled up reading on the sofa. "What? How? Where?" I smirked proudly. "My room, I don't care if I'm on couch rest it's boring." He glared at me. "Becca Grace Hemmings, do you want to be grounded for the rest of the month because if not I suggest you drop the attitude." I sighed. "Anyway," he slowly approached me and handed me a glass of water and some pain meds. "Take these," I didn't argue and did as I was told. At least I still had some form of entertainment.

A/N keep leaving requests. I have another Alex Gaskarth one and a Niall Horan one on the way.

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