Fill Me

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Imagine for mention a users courtneyplewis

You are terrified of the dentist. When you have to go your become filled with anxiety. One day, when you finally cave and attend your overdue cleaning, you discover you have a cavity. (warning this update has been requested to be detailed, if this is not something you like you can skip or read one of the other ones)

Your P.O.V.

I was standing anxiously at the front desk waiting for the receptionist. The clock ticked by and was easily heard in silent room. As I looked to my left, I saw a tall, red-haired lady emerge. She and someone else were helping a teenage boy stumble to the car. While the door was open, I heard crying and children screaming. I jumped as the oak door closed with a bang. When I turned to face forward, a lady dressed in blue scrubs greeted me with a smile.

"What's your name sweetie?" she said calmly. I glanced around the room before answering. "Y/N Y/L/N," I said with a shaky voice. My hands were tightly clasped together in front of me to stop them from shaking.  She smiled once again and requested I take a seat in the waiting room. I didn't want to but I did anyway.

I carefully sank down onto cushioned chair. Instantly, my eyes focused on the door. I watched it intently like something bad was gonna happen. Well, in my mind something bad was going to happen. I hated being here with every ounce of my being. It wasn't long until an olive-skinned, brown-haired man, who was also wearing blue scrubs, walked into the waiting room. Wow, he is hot I thought to myself. "Y/N Y/L/N," his voice was sweet. Slowly, I rose to my feet and walked over to him. He smiled and took me back to a room. I glanced at the placard on it Dr Joseph Baena.

When I walked in, the smell of disinfectant hit me in the face like a brick. "Just have a seat for me love," he said gently. I froze and stared at the chair in the middle of the room. "Hey deep breaths there sweetheart," he softly placed a hand on my back and guided me over before helping me sit down. My heart was racing and my hands clutched the side of the chair as he laid me back.

"My name is Dr Baena but please just call my Joseph. My records say you're here for a routine check-up and cleaning?" I nodded unable to speak. "Alright then let's get started." I cringed at the sound of his white latex gloves snapping against his skin. He moved the light over my face and when I looked up all I could see were is brown eyes looking down at me. The mask covering his mouth and nose.

"Okay, open nice and wide for me sweetie," he asked as he picked up the mirror from the tray. I shivered at the sound and slowly parted my lips. "Thank you," he hummed. Carefully, he placed the mirror on the side of my mouth. I hated the feeling but made no attempts to tell him. I closed my eyes tightly as he started the exam. Moments later, I hear metal on metal. The sound made me shiver.

"I'm just counting your teeth and checking for any abnormalities nothing bad sweetie," I was tense. He must have noticed. I took slow deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself.I tried to distract myself from the horrible sensation of the the scraping but it was hard. As he made his way to the back of my mouth a felt a sharp pain shoot through my jaw. Me being me, I tried to hide it. When he made no mention of it I was glad to think he hadn't realised. "Okay, I'm just gonna check the depth of your gum pockets."

Oh great. This was the worst part. I closed my eyes. I couldn't think about what was happening or I'd freak out. I opened my mouth again and took deep breaths through the whole process. It was icky. I really hated the feeling and just well everything about it.But, thankfully, it was over as soon as it had started.

"Alright so everything looks fine however I did notice that you have a cavity on your upper right back molar so I'll sort that for you today and reschedule the cleaning procedure  for tomorrow." I swallows hard.

The palms of my hands gained a thin layer of sweat as well as my forehead. My breathing became rapid and uneven. I couldn't think straight it felt like the walls were closing in. "Hey sweetheart are you okay?" I heard someone ask. Dr Baena it had to be him.

I tried to get out of the chair and as I did it was sat up. I pulled my knees to my chest and willed this not to happen with everything I had in me. A gentle hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Slow deep breaths sweetie, in and out for me," I did as he told me and soon enough I calmed down. He talked me through the process and moments later I could myself waiting to be numbed. He had swabbed the area with a Q-tip coated in a numbing jelly but that wasn't enough.

I opened my mouth again and felt an intense pressure on my jaw. I closed my eyes tightly as it was quickly followed by a sharp scratch a few moments later. "Okay we'll give that a minute to set in sweetie, I promise this will be painless the hard part is done," I nodded but watched him like a hawk as he changed the burr on the hand piece to the drill head.

"Alright how's your mouth feeling?" I poked my cheek near the area of the tooth just to be sure. "N-numb" he gave me a smile and politely asked me to open again, to which I complied with. I closed my eyes as he turned on the drill.

The sensation was unpleasant but it wasn't unbearable. It was over fairly quickly and before I knew it the filling was over. "Well done sweetheart you're all done, you did so good." I gave a small smile as I got out of the chair.

A/N Sorry for any spelling mistakes hope you like it. If anyone had any previous request please comment and let me know because I got a new phone and lost my notes :(

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