chapter 1

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"with great power, comes great responsibility." -uncle ben

"Peter, did you see the new girl today?" Ned Leeds's voice echoed through the hallways of the empty school building. Most of the students had long since gone home but Peter and Ned had stuck around trying to figure out what the 'glowy thing' was. He faintly remembered Karen calling it an energy core of some sort but he needed to examine it more to really understand how it worked and how it was being used to make weaponry. It was the only way Peter thought of that would help him stop the guy with the wings.

"There was a new girl?" Peter questioned, he hadn't been paying much attention to school if he was being honest, he was a bit preoccupied with the growing threat of whomever was selling these enhanced weapons and how he could stop him... without his suit.

"Yeah, she's a redhead and I heard that she's a party girl." Ned grins a bit and Peter scowls at him.

"That's just rumors Ned, and who cares about the new girl right now? I think we have slightly bigger things to focus on." He waved the glowing object in front of Ned's face, it had exploded when Ned took it through the Washington Monument x-rays but he had grabbed one from the deep storage vault to study it, he just had to keep it away from any radiation, simple. And now it was Ned's turn to scowl.

"You know you've been kind of rude ever since you became obsessed with this whole glowy rock and the guy with the wings thing," Ned says and Peter looked away.

"I'm sorry Ned. I just- I want to prove to Mr. Stark that I can handle myself, you know? Like I need to get the suit back, I-I don't know what to do without being spider-man. And focusing on high school isn't going to help me right now." Peter's shoulders slumped showing how truly exhausted the boy was becoming, when Tony Stark had taken his suit away it felt like his whole world was torn apart, and he didn't know what he could do to get it back.

Ned was about to speak when a tall girl with curly hair walked out of the classroom to their left, "Sup losers," she said eyeing the object Peter still was holding in his hand, "What's that you got there Parker?"

It was no secret that Michelle Jones and Peter were not the biggest fans of each other. Michelle didn't like Peter because of something that happened years ago that Peter couldn't remember fully, and Peter didn't like Michelle-well-Peter didn't really have any feelings about Michelle, they weren't friends and probably never would be. To him, she was just Michelle, normal, slightly rude, Michelle.

Peter nearly tripped over his own feet and frantically shoved the object into his pockets, by then Michelle had stopped and was staring at him, a look of amusement and confusion on her face.

"Hi Michelle!" Ned said cheerily, maybe trying to take her focus off of Peter but he couldn't tell.

See, Ned had no problem with Michelle, in fact, he thought whatever hatred was between her and Peter was completely idiotic and had tried more than once to get them to hang out as a trio, that's how Peter ended up with a broken arm in seventh grade. He didn't try and push them together as much after that.

"Hey Ned," she said then turned her eyes back on Peter, who was now starting to slowly back away towards the front doors, "Whoa there Parker are you just going to ignore my question like that?" There was an underlying tone of malice in her voice, it was almost unnoticeable, but it was there. Peter couldn't help but wonder why she despised him so much, he wanted to sit down and have a real heart-to-heart with the girl, but that would probably only get him a slap across the face.

"I-uh-I, I just remembered I have a uh- an appointment! For the Stark internship." Peter was now backing towards the door quickly and offered Michelle a nervous laugh.

"He's always got that internship!" Ned said smiling at Michelle who was watching Peter back towards the doorway a blank look on her face.

"You guys are weird." She said flatly and turned on her foot and walked back into the classroom she had come out of but not before glancing one last time at Peter, throwing him a disgusted look that he hadn't even seen because he had turned his back to her, as he always did.

hey sorry this chapter was so short!! im planning on making them a lot longer as i get more in to the story:) but what do you think peter did to michelle? and im excited to bring in mary jane as well ahah. i hope you enjoyed!! love you all

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