chapter 5

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"revenge sounds so mean mean, that's why i prefer to call it returning the favor." -unknown

Michelle laid on the ground her feet up against the wall of her room. She was staring at the ceiling trying not to think about Peter Parker. She didn't understand what had gotten into her brain that suddenly every thought was about the boy. Only a week ago she had despised him, and now? She wanted him to give her another hug. God. What a mess.

She groaned massaging her temples and trying to think about something, anything else. Her brother lay fast asleep on her bed still shaken up from the previous night. It was Saturday and they usually went on a walk in the morning but she had decided to let the child sleep in, he needed some rest.

But the more she tried not to think about Peter the more she started thinking about him. Her brother had called him a superhero and yeah Michelle believed in citizens who took heroic actions and that every cop, firefighter and person in the army was a hero but she was beginning to think about the super in the word superhero. 

She had gone over the situation in her head trying to think of possibilities where Peter would have survived that crash, much less come out unharmed unless... Unless he had a little super in him. She'd originally shaken off the thought laughing at herself at how completely idiotic she sounded. This was Peter Parker she was talking about, a boy who couldn't make it through one sentence without stuttering.

But- but there were things that clicked into place the more she began to think about it. The way he always seemed to disappear whenever something remotely bad happened, and how him and Ned were always whispering about God knows what. Now that she'd thought about it, she'd heard them whisper about Peter meeting Captain America. How could she be such an idiot. And the Stark Internship too, she had researched into it further this morning and had found that Stark Industries rarely took interns, much less a 15 year old kid. 

So, she figured he must be some sort of genetic error caused in one of Tony Stark's labs. Just a lab experiment gone wrong. Something like the Hulk maybe? But probably a little less green and a lot more skinny. She sat up suddenly realizing the fact that was in front of her face the entire time. She grabbed her phone pulling it from the charging cord and went into safari. She couldn't stop her fingers from shaking as she typed out the letters.


She clicked enter and watched as millions of results popped up. She scrolled down and nearly laughed when she found what she was looking for. 

By: Peter B. Parker

She'd always known Parker had a knack for film and photography and she could feel embarrassment flood into her as she looked through his YouTube account. Nearly all the entries were of none other than Spider-Man. All the facts were right in front of her this whole time. She'd been too busy hating the boy to see what was going on.

Peter Parker, the boy she had hated, was Spider-Man.


Michelle spent the whole afternoon searching the internet for more videos of the masked hero. Of course there were tons and tons but the ones she was drawn to were the ones where she could hear his voice. It was so glaringly obvious now that she hated that she'd never even noticed before. She had heard Spider-Man's voice in different videos that Harry or even Liz had shown her. She wondered how none of them had even noticed.

There was a simple explanation really, they just weren't listening for it. They weren't listening for Peter, a nerdy Sophomore with a nervous stutter and a higher than average GPA. Highest in the school in fact. People were looking for someone who stood tall and was strong and was on the football team, not someone on the Academic Decathlon team.

She almost felt bad for Peter, almost, he really seemed like he had no chance being any type of superhero, let alone one who held together a ferry when it had somehow been torn in two. 

She needed to talk to him. She couldn't bring up the fact that he was Spider-man and that she knew that. He clearly didn't want anyone to know and the only reason that she even had a clue was because he had saved her brother. God she was such an idiot. And now she couldn't just ignore him, he saved her brother, she had to make it up to him somehow.

Dammit Parker, Why'd you gotta make it so hard to hate you.


"Parker!" Michelle called out walking, yes walking, he may be a superhero she wasn't going to run, not a chance, towards the boy who glanced at her nervously, playing with the hem of his shirt.

"Uh h-hey Michelle, what's up?" the poor kid looked so nervous she almost smiled at him, but no, Michelle Jones did not smile at school.

"I just wanted to tell you congrats," she stated and she could nearly see the question marks over his head as he stared at her.

"For what?" he said cautiously as if talking to a bomb.

"You've been chosen to be my new chemistry partner, well, for today at least." Michelle had worked this out in her head, the kid couldn't be making all his webs and shit at home he had to be doing it sometime in the chemistry room. At first she'd thought that the stuff had come out of him but as she watched more videos of the masked vigilante she found that there were small contraptions on his wrists that when he pressed a button on his palm, the webbing came out. 

"Um, w-who made that decision?" he asked still clearly confused, and wow for a superhero, he sure was slow.

"Me, duh," she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest leaning back against the wall of lockers she stood, waiting for Peter to respond.

"Oh," was all that came out of his mouth and she couldn't help but notice the dark circles under his eyes, he seemed upset about something. 

She decided not to question him in the moment, everyone liked having space, and raised her eyebrows sarcastically saying, "Really Parker? That's all you got to say? No oh my god what an amazing opportunity, I've always wanted this to happen!" She watched as the blush found its way to his cheeks and he began stuttering.

"N-no that's no-" he began but she cut him off.

"Yeah, yeah that's not what you meant, I know Parker, I was just joking," she shrugged and began to walk away, planning to be early to her first hour, which was Chemistry but the sound of Peter's voice stopped her.

"I didn't know you knew how to joke, Jones," he said raising his eyebrows at her copying her sarcastic tone. 

"Get used to it Parker," she winked and the shocked look on Peter's face nearly made her laugh, "see you in class loser." She walked away being sure not to look back at the boy even though she could feel his eyes on her back.

She'd won this round. And she was going to play this game for as long as she wanted until Peter Parker himself told her that he was Spider-Man. Just so she could laugh and say "You really thought I didn't know?"

i'm so jittery writing this omg their banter MY HEART. i cant wait to write more i have so many ideas hehe. tell me what you think of mj's plan;) i feel like i'd probably do the same thing if i was her hahah. as always please comment what you think and click that vote button if you love peter freaking parker as much as i do!! love you guys

p.s. also omg idk how i got another chapter up so fast i guess i was iNsPiReD

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