chapter 8

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"oh god. oh my god. oh my god. god. oh my god. oh my freaking god." -everyone?!

Michelle didn't know what to do with her newfound realization. She decided to push it out of her mind for now, she could deal with that problem later. The rest of the day had gone by in a blur and now, she was following Peter and Ned onto the subway on her way to Ned's house. 

She knew her mother probably wouldn't be happy with her for not coming home, but she had forced her neighbor, Mrs. Barnes, to keep a careful watch on Drew. She was not going to have a repeat of the night Peter had saved him. 

Pretty soon the three reached Ned's apartment and he pulled out a key unlocking the door and walking inside. Peter followed quickly and Michelle hesitated, only slightly, before walking inside shutting the door carefully behind her. 

"My parents won't be home until super late tonight so we'll have the place to ourselves," Ned grinned at Peter who frowned slightly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Peter asked warily, glancing around the empty apartment, Michelle noticed that he was avoiding her eyes and she couldn't help but wonder why.

"It means," Ned paused dramatically and fished something out of his backpack, "Star Wars marathon!" Peter's face immediately brightened and Michelle groaned. Of course this is what they would do when they had a place to themselves. She had almost forgotten that they were nerds.

"No way man! This is awesome we haven't had a movie marathon in forever!" Peter grabbed the movie from Ned's hand and flipped it over reading the back excitedly. She wouldn't be surprised if he already had it memorized, the kid was obsessed with Star Wars.

"Yeah uh," Michelle backed away, realizing how much she didn't fit in with these two boys. Yeah sure, sitting with someone at lunch was cool, but actually hanging out with them was something completely different, "I'll have to pass on that one," she was already walking towards the door as she spoke.

"Oh no you don't," somehow Ned was now in front of her blocking her exit, "you are going to watch this movie and you are going to love it." He crossed his arms and tried to look intimidating. Emphasis on tried. "Now go sit down next to Peter on the couch and get nice and comfortable because we've got three movies to watch."

She groaned and dragged her feet, sulking slowly to the couch, Peter quickly moved out of her way as she flopped down onto the couch. 

Ned smiled triumphantly and practically shoved Peter onto the couch next to her. "Now obviously we have to watch the ones with Luke, because those are the best, so I'm going to go to the bathroom and Peter here," he patted Peter on the arm and Peter gave him a what the fuck look, "will explain to you what happened in the prequels." Then he walked towards the hall, winking at Michelle. She wanted to slap him.

Throughout the school day, Ned had texted her about fifty thousand times after lunch, all about Peter. Ranging from what did you think about Peter's shirt today? To, are you in love with Peter? 

She didn't respond to a single one.

To be honest, she didn't care that Ned apparently knew about her... thing for Peter. It was the fact that she knew he would let something slip that made her stomach churn. Ned was good at a lot of things, but keeping secrets was not one of them.

It would not only be completely mortifying if Ned let something slip, but Michelle would lose the first real friends that she's had in a very long time. They may be losers, but being with them beat being alone. 

She hadn't even noticed Peter had been talking until he touched her arm, which made her jerk away and stand up from the couch abruptly. 

"Whoa there," Peter tried to grab her arm to steady her but she moved out of his reach. She barely saw the hurt look flash across his face before it was gone.

"I just needed some water," she said spinning around towards the kitchen, it was a lame excuse but it was all she could come up with. 

Peter watched her for a second before launching into a detailed description of the 4th, 5th, and 6th installments of the Star Wars series'. But apparently they took place before the first three and talked about Darth Vader's creation and such. She didn't know, she hadn't been listening very closely, she'd been watching the way Peter lit up as he talked about the movies. 

He didn't look as tired as he had the past few weeks, and he was smiling more.

"The movies are too predictable," she sighed out after he finished his long description, Ned was taking his sweet time in the bathroom. 

"Excuse me what?!" Peter seemed like he was personally offended by her comment, he even held his hand over his chest like her words physically hurt him. 

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah it was so obvious that the Darth guy was Luke's father," she almost laughed at the way his jaw dropped at her words.

"Oh right," his voice was higher now and laced heavily with sarcasm, she decided she didn't like sarcastic Peter. She was sarcastic, he was supposed to be sweet. A little voice in the back of her mind whispered, they balance each other out, but she ignored it, focusing back on Peter's words, "so you just happened to guess the biggest cinematic reveal in history?" 

She could have laughed at his serious words, "Vader in German means father. His name is literally Darth Father." She had learned that a long time ago in one of her books. When someone in class mentioned it after the first star wars movie had come out, she may or may not have spoiled it for her entire class by telling them what it meant.

"You're unbelievable," Peter huffed out crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah? Whatever you love me," she froze immediately after the words came out of her mouth. It was her automatic response and she hadn't even thought before speaking. She always thought before she spoke. 

"I hate it when you're right," Peter gave her a look and laughed, and she realized that of course he was joking. He was oblivious to her and was still infatuated with Liz Allen. 

But that didn't stop her heart from fluttering.

i'm so sorry that i haven't updated for awhile!! i've been super busy!! but i hope you liked this new chapter!! AND NOTE: i KNOW star wars didn't come out when they were little, it came out way before, but LETS JUST PRETEND for the sake of the story!! anyway, please comment and vote!! it really helps!! love you all

p.s. did anyone catch the reference i put in there? ;))

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