chapter 15

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"you can only be jealous of someone who has something you think you ought to have yourself." -margaret atwood

Harry Osborn did not like his father. Don't get it wrong, of course he loved him, but he didn't like him. It had been better before his mother had died, Norman Osborn had spent more time with the small family, but after her death it was as if Harry no longer existed. He tried anything to get his father's attention, even if it was only for a moment, maybe that was why he had been expelled from so many different schools.

Harry Osborn used to like Peter Parker, they had used to be pretty close. But now that Peter and Michelle Jones were close, Harry had begun to dislike the boy. Because that was the thing, Harry Osborn had a big crush on Michelle Jones. Michelle never even batted an eye in his direction. He had asked her to dance at Homecoming and when she got a phone call, interrupting him, she looked relieved. Harry was completely mortified. 

And with the recent passing of Michelle's mother, Harry thought it would be the perfect time to swoop in and be her shoulder to cry on. Only she didn't cry. Not in front of him at least, and every time he tried to talk to her, Peter freaking Parker was there making some stupid science pun or flaunting his Stark Internship. Harry still doubted it was even real.

So when his father mentioned an internship program that he was planning on starting in Oscorp, well, Harry just couldn't resist.

"I have a friend who could be a great candidate for the internship, dad," Norman Osborn blinked at his son as if he had forgotten he was even in the room.

"Oh and who would that be?" Harry's father looked back at his computer screen, typing something rapidly, Norman's mind was set on only one boy, but unfortunately that boy already had an internship with none other than Tony Stark. Every time the man appeared on television Norman wished he could rip that smug smirk off his face and take back what was rightfully his.

"Uh, Michelle Jones," at the girl's name Norman perked up, he hadn't even thought about the girl, Parker's girl, "she goes to my school and she's suuuper smart and-"

Norman cut him off, "give her a flyer, tell her she has a very god chance of making it in."

Harry felt his jaw drop, he hadn't expected his father to cave so quickly, "Oh my god, I will, thank you so much."

Norman smiled and nodded and watched as his son ran out of the room and down the stairs, probably on his way to school. Maybe Harry would be more useful than he thought. If he could get close to Michelle, Michelle might bring Peter right to him. 

Peter, his creation, his beautiful creation, would finally be with him. And Norman would finally get to pick him apart and see how he works, how he is so powerful, so strong, so talented, he only felt a twinge of sadness thinking about how the experiments would probably hurt Peter whom he'd already begun to think of as a son. But oh well, family takes sacrifice.


"Hey Michelle! Mj! Michelle!" the girl turned as she heard her name called across the hall about a hundred times, she was surprised to see none other than Harry Osborn running toward her, a paper clutched tightly in his hand, she hadn't really thought about what had happened at Homecoming until this very moment. And she wished she hadn't, she hadn't even noticed but subconsciously she had been avoiding the boy.

"Can I help you?" she crossed her arms and scanned the boy up and down, he had nothing on Peter. She had to mentally slap herself, she couldn't compare everyone she talked with to Peter Parker, not only was it creepy, it was just plain out obsessive.

"Yeah, uh, actually my dad wanted me to give you this," he handed her the paper which was now slightly wrinkled from where he had been holding it, "he thinks you would be an amazing addition to Oscorp someday and would like to offer you an internship!"

He looked at her as if she was supposed to be excited or something.

She slowly held out the paper back to him and watched his face fall as he took it from her, "sorry Harry Potter, not interested." She could have laughed at her small joke but all things considered, she decided not to. Instead, she made a move to walk away but his arm on her shoulder stopped her.

"Why not Mj?" she cringed away from his touch and wished she could ask him not to call her that, only her friends were supposed to call her Mj, "This is an amazing opportunity."

She felt a twinge of pity for the kid, his father probably put him up to this and Norman Osborn wasn't known for his kindness, "Look I'm sure that it is, it's just, I'm in the process of getting an internship with Stark Industries, Peter set me up with this-"

She stopped when she saw the look on his face, as soon as she had mentioned Stark Industries and Peter's name he looked like he had just smelled rotten eggs.

"Sorry I forgot you guys are like rivals, right?" It was true and all over the news, Tony Stark vs. Norman Osborn, personally she had always liked Tony better, even though she didn't agree with everything he had done. And now that she had been offered a internship she couldn't say no, working with geniuses like him could really help her get into any college she wanted, she wondered if she would ever get to meet Pepper Potts. 

Realizing she was still standing in front of Harry, way too close for comfort, she crossed her arms and edged away, she wanted to be out of this conversation as soon as humanly possible.

He scoffed, "yeah, something like that." Unknown to Michelle he wasn't referencing Stark Industries at all. He was thinking about Peter Parker. And rivals, he sure did like the sound of that.

ta daa!! omg hi everyone it's been awhile!! IM SO SORRY. life is really getting in the way of this story with finals coming up and all. AND OMG I SAW AVENGERS ENGAME AND CAN I JUST SAY I'M STILL CRYING!!!??? i loved when [spoiler] and [spoiler] hugged it made my heart go WHOOSH!

anyway please please please comment and vote!! they literally make my day and some of your comments are the only reason i can find the motivation to write a new chapter;) love you all

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