chapter 25

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Michelle walked into school, she was late,  so she had missed walking with Peter but she felt almost light on her feet after the events of yesterday. She had kissed Peter not once, but twice. He told her he liked her. She couldn't wait to see Mary Jane's face when she bragged to her. Because she was definitely going to tell her.

She walked up the steps to Midtown and licked her lips in anticipation.

"Mj!" a voice called and she could hear footsteps running to catch up with her, "I wanted to talk to you, but I missed you this morning, thank god I caught you," Peter fell in line next to her and she felt her heartbeat speed up with anxiety, did he already want to break up with her? That quickly? They hadn't even lasted a full 24 hours.

"Sure Parker, what do you need?" she tried to sound nonchalant and she really hoped she succeeded. Just because she was utterly in love with this stupid boy didn't mean she could suddenly lose her Mj charm.

"Well..." he sounded nervous and he hesitated before he slowly took her hand in his, she bit her lip as a smile formed on her face, "we've never had an... official first date or anything you know?" He glanced at her with a shy smile before continuing, "s-so I was thinking, that if you're free after school today... maybe you'd want to have it? The first date?"

She was relieved it hadn't been about what she'd thought of, and her heart jumped at his offer, "That sounds like a good plan Parker," she paused and glanced town at her t-shirt and jeans, "would I need something nicer than this?" If it really was going to be their first date she didn't want to show up at some fancy place looking like that. Sure, she was all for being herself, but there was a time and a place for everything.

"N-no no no, just come as you are," he squeezed her hand lightly, "besides, I like you better that way," his cheeks were tinted red as he complimented her and she felt her own face heat up.

"Thank you Parker," she looked at his outfit, "I like your nerdy t-shirts too."


Michelle was pretty sure Ned was more excited than everyone, when they'd walked into the cafeteria hand in hand he had literally screamed like a little girl.

"I knew it you know," he said smugly as they both sat down across from him, "I've known since before homecoming." Michelle raised her eyebrows in amusement.

"That's bullshit Leeds, I didn't even know I liked Peter before homecoming, in fact, I'm pretty sure I actually hated him then." She thought back to homecoming when she'd first really hung out with Ned, when she'd found out about Peter's alter ego, which he still didn't know she knew.

She understood now why he didn't tell her, it could put her at risk and Peter was too damn selfless for his own good. She kinda of wanted to confront him about it, well, hopefully not confront, she just wanted to tell him that she knew. She had long since given up on her plan from the beginning of the year and now she just wanted everything to be out in the open. No secrets. From what she'd read, relationships thrive on honesty, she just hopes whenever she did decide to tell him, that he would react well.

She hummed as she pulled out her book and an apple and opened to where she'd left off.

"Yeah well, tonight should be fun for you," Ned said excitedly as pulled out his own lunch, he was grinning at her and she raised her eyebrows in suspicion.

"Hey Leeds, you seem awfully hyper today, is there anything you want to share?" She crossed her arms over her book, pinning it open as she stared Ned down.

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