chapter 24

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"she kissed him" -a lil recap from the end of the last chapter;))

Michelle didn't really know what to expect when she kissed Peter Parker. It's not like she'd daydreamed about it (absolutely 100% not) but she at least thought it would be less awkward.

First of all, Peter immediately froze when their lips touched, it was as if he'd turned into stone. She had even placed her hand on his cheek but he stood there, unresponsive.

Maybe she had broken him.

The kiss only lasted probably only a few seconds, and it was nothing like her first kiss, that had been a messy makeout in middle school that she wished had never happened.

This kiss made her stomach do flips and made her feel dizzy.

His lips were soft, Mj could tell he had just put on chapstick, she could taste is as she pulled away, cherry.

He stared at her unblinking for what felt like an eternity. "Y-you, you kissed me." he finally managed out and she blinked at the bluntness of his statement, her cheeks growing red and she started fiddling with her hands, suddenly self conscious. Maybe Mary Jane had been right about girls not kissing guys. No, Mary Jane wasn't right about anything.

"And I thought I was the observant one," she said forcing a tight lipped smile, she didn't like how fast her heart was beating, she felt like she was out of breath.

"W-why?" Now that was something she wasn't expecting, did he not understand that she liked him?

"Well, because, fuck Mary Jane." she let out a breathy laugh, but Peter's face remained pale. "Parker..." she lamely grabbed his hand from his side, holding it in her own, "Peter..." she emphasized and his brown eyes met her own, "I like you. Like really like you, and you just wouldn't shut up and let me tell you." She was pretty sure by now he could hear her erratic heartbeat it was beating so loud.

"Y-you do?" he actually looked hopeful now and a smile was quickly making its way to his face.

"Yes loser, now this is the part where you tell me you like me too," she hoped she was actually right about him liking her or this was about to get very awkward very fast.

He didn't say anything, instead he lifted himself on his tip toes and pressed his lips to hers again. This time he moved with her instead of just standing there, her hand found his cheek and his hand was on her arm, she felt like she could feel everything. Every slight breeze that moved her hair, every time her heart pounded in her chest. She decided she liked cherry chapstick, a lot. And yeah it was stereotypical but she swore she saw sparks.

When they broke apart she let out a giddy laugh, it felt foreign coming from her mouth,
"Just to clarify, I like you too," Peter said nervously, he was fiddling with his sleeves.

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah I figured that when you kissed me."

"I thought you were dating Harry," he huffed out biting back a smile.

"That's the consequences on you spying on me, next time, ask before you assume anything about me." she could hear the double meaning in her words. The memory of him asking why she never did her hair and why she always wore the same clothes forced itself to the front of her mind. She unconsciously took a few steps back.

Peter closed the space between them taking her hands in his, his hands were shaking, or maybe it was her hands, she couldn't tell. "I'm sorry Michelle, for whatever I've done that made us stop being friends in the first place."

She nodded and realized that she'd already forgiven him. She forgave him when he had saved Drew from getting hit by the car, when he had stayed with her when she'd gotten news about her mother, and every time he smiled at her.

"I've forgiven you Parker, and I hope you can forgive me for being a literal ass for the past few years." he laughed and nodded in agreement.

"You kind of were," he teased and she pulled her hands away from his to slap him playfully. "But that's why I liked you so much," he shrugged, "you weren't afraid to be who you were, I've always admired that about you." She smiled and bit her lip.

"Does this mean... we're like, a thing now?" she asked, she remembered Mary Jane's words and wished she could rub the fact that she'd kissed Peter in her smug face.

"I-if you'd like, then yeah?" it came out as a question and Peter laughed nervously ducking his head a bit.

"Yeah, I'd really like that, Peter."


Agent Washington strolled into the tall building, her sunglasses shielded her eyes from the harsh light. She held her head high and walked up to the front desk where a tired looking woman sat. She pushed the sunglasses to the top of her head and cleared her throat to get the woman's attention.

"Do you have an appointment?" the woman drawled out not even looking at the agent.

"I have information concerning the case of Kiana Jones and May Parker." As she spoke the names the woman's head snapped up in shock.

"Through the door," she said typing something into her computer rapidly, a door suddenly appearing behind her. Agent Washington nodded and walked briskly through the door, she heard it slide shut behind her.

She walked through the dark hall her heels clicking on the tile floor, she made it to a large black door and knocked three times.

"Come in," a voice called and she turned the handle slowly before walking inside. She locked eyes with Norman Osborn who gave her a sinister smile and motioned for her to take a seat in the armchair opposite of him.

She cleared her throat but he held up his hand before she could say anything.

"Have you fixed your mistake?" she swallowed, trying not let let him see how nervous she was.

"Yes, I have informed the Jones family that we were wrong about Kiana Jones' death being a murder, Michelle Jones should be informed tonight." She licked her lips folding her hands in her lap.

"Good," we wouldn't want anything bad to happen should you mess this up for me..." he trailed off and her eyes widened at his threat.

"Of course not sir, also, everything with May Parker's death went smoothly, I shut it down quickly and confirmed it an accident." She took a shaky breath in as he nodded.

"Ah Agent, now I remember why I pay you so well," he stood up and went to look at something on his desk, "the final steps are in motion thanks to you," he pointed at her with another smile, "soon we will have Peter Parker, and soon you will get your well-deserved money."

you think i forgot abt that whole storyline?? nahhh but here's where the story kinda picks up hehe;) i hope you liked this chapter!! make sure to vote and comment!! i love you all

you think i forgot abt that whole storyline?? nahhh but here's where the story kinda picks up hehe;) i hope you liked this chapter!! make sure to vote and comment!! i love you all ♡

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