chapter 12

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"when someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure." -unknown

Michelle could hear the muffled voices of both Peter and Tony Stark. She was only faintly aware that she was on the ground. She was only faintly aware that someone was holding her hand. She was only faintly aware when someone picked her up, carrying her bridal style out of the compound.

This couldn't be real. Right? This had to be a dream that she was going to wake up from in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... She didn't wake up. And suddenly she was sobbing. Maybe the shock had worn off slightly, or maybe she realized how very real the situation was. 

She felt the arms squeeze her slightly as if trying to comfort her. It didn't work.  What was going to happen to her? And Drew? Oh god, was Drew still- no, she had to believe he was at her neighbor's apartment. Her mother wouldn't take Drew with her, right? She hated that she had to have faith that her mother was truly uncaring.

She wondered what foster care was like. Maybe she could convince someone to let her and Drew live alone together. Michelle had a job, she could take care of them, right? She doubted anyone would trust a 16 year old to take care of herself especially with another child.

There was a steady stream of tears going down her face now. But they weren't for her mother. God, she felt so guilty for not crying for her mother, but she had never really been a mother to her had she? She was crying for Drew. For her sweet, innocent brother. She wondered if Drew would remember their mother, she hoped not. Bruises would fade from their skin, but the memories of the abuse and carelessness would stay with them forever.

"Mj?" the voice was still muffled but she could make out what the boy was saying, she glanced at him and found that the image was blurry from her tears. She hated crying in front of people, but in the moment she didn't really care what Peter Parker thought about her.

She noticed that they were now in a car, Tony Stark was no longer there but Happy was in the front seat. She noticed how he kept glancing in the mirror at her, concern evident on his face.

"It's my fault," she whispered, and saying that made her cry more, because it was true. If she hadn't insisted on doing everything in her power to be away from her mother she could have stopped the accident. She realized she didn't even know what had happened, she wondered if the officers would be at her apartment, if Drew would be with them.

"No. It's not," Peter said firmly, she felt someone squeeze her hand and realized that Peter must have been the one holding it all this time. She felt so childish as she felt the blush creep to her cheeks, but Peter didn't seem like he was going to let her go anytime soon.

And then she remembered that Peter must know how she feels, but he had been so much younger. Did he even remember his parents? And his parents must have been good to him, he would have cried for them. 

"I should have been there, I should have-"

"Stop it," he interrupted her, "you couldn't have stopped what happened, you weren't in the car with her, you couldn't have done anything." 

Oh, it was a car accident. Maybe she died quickly, without pain, she liked to think that she did. No matter how her mother treated her she didn't deserve to die, she didn't deserve to be in pain. She was still her mother. And suddenly Michelle was crying for her. She was crying for all that her mother had gone through in her life, for all that Michelle had put her through. She should have been a better daughter. Michelle shouldn't have pushed her mother away when her father died. When her mother needed her she wasn't there, and now she was dead and Michelle could never forgive herself.

"What's going to happen to me?" her voice came out as barely a whisper, and she was surprised that Peter even heard her. 

"Well, you'll probably live with someone in your extended family," he trailed off leaving an unsaid if they will take you hanging in the air. "You'll be okay," he tried to give her a smile but failed miserably. And she realized that he must be reliving when his parents had died and suddenly she felt terrible. He must have gone through the same sort of thing and now she was forcing him to remember it.

"I'm sorry for making you remember," she locked eyes with him and saw that there were tears in his eyes.

"It's good to remember," he said and she opened her mouth slightly, shaking her head,  "you have to remember them, you have to remember the best parts and let those parts live in your memory. Don't focus on the bad," he glanced at her arm where a bruise resided from where her mom had hit her, she didn't know how he knew, she had never told anyone about the things her mother had done, "focus on the memories that make you smile, the ones that make you happy that she was your mother, the ones that make you remember that she was a good person."

"But she wasn't," she covered her mouth with the hand that Peter wasn't holding, she hadn't even meant to say anything, but the truth always comes out doesn't it? Peter suddenly looked really sad and she wondered why. "I mean, she used to be, when my dad was still alive, but she changed when he died."

"Then remember your mother from back then, when she was happy, when she made you happy, you can do that right?" Peter was looking at her, really looking at her and it felt so good to have someone finally see her.

"I can try."


Michelle ran up the stairs of her apartment as soon as she got there, she needed to see Drew. Peter had refused to leave and she had to push away her embarrassment of how her apartment looked as he followed her up the stairs.

She reached her apartment and hesitated, her hand raised, about to knock. It was all about to become so real, and she had just stopped crying. Drew. She knocked.

The door was answered quickly by a man in a suit, she frowned, didn't police officers wear uniforms? 

"Hello, are you Michelle Jones?" the man seemed kind enough, but stern, like he didn't have much time.

"Uh, yeah, I'm Michelle," she didn't know why she felt so nervous.

"Okay I need to speak with you, alone." the man glanced at where Peter stood and he blushed and backed away.

"Oh, uh I-I'll just wait out here." the man nodded and shut the door.

"Michelle, did your mother have any enemies?" What the hell? Why would her mother have any enemies and why would this man need to know about it?

"Not that I know of, why?" she was nervous to hear the answer. She looked around the room and saw that there were two more men in suits and a woman in formal clothes. They all looked wary, and concerned.

"We're going to need to take you into protective custody for the time being," the woman said and Michelle let her mouth drop open in confusion.

"Yeah, sorry ma'am but I'm going to need a better explanation than that." She didn't know where the attitude came from but she was tired of being left in the dark. The woman glanced at the man who hesitated before nodding slowly. 

"Michelle, can you please sit down?" she felt her heart plummet as fear filled her, what was going on? And where was her brother?

"No, I'm fine standing, thanks." she crossed her arms and tried to look brave.

The woman nodded and put her hand on Michelle's shoulder. "Honey, we believe that your mother, Kiana Jones, was murdered."

Oh. Oh god.  She was surprised she didn't fall, but suddenly she felt like she couldn't breathe.

"And they might be after you next."

DUN DUN DUNNN. sorry guys this chapter was prettyyyyy depressing oop. but this is really what i had planned for a long time and omg im super excited to take you guys along this story. be sure to tell me what you think!!! your comments and votes really help me keep going!! love you all

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