chapter 13

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"time doesn't heal all wounds. we both know that's bullshit; it comes from people who have nothing comforting or original to say." -adam silvera

"The trial run worked," two men stood in front of a computer screen watching the news. It showed the recording of a speeding car running into an intersection, taking two other cars with it. The shorter man had spoken, he sounded nervous, "should we proceed with the true target?"

"No," the taller man crossed his arms, "Let Michelle Jones grieve, let Peter Parker draw closer to her, let him comfort her, let them fall in love," the shorter man looked at the taller man in confusion, but the tall man continued, "love is so easy to destroy, and when their love is destroyed, and the boy is weak, we can carry out the plan to kill May Parker, but patience is a virtue Mr. Kraven, we will have Peter Parker eventually."


Michelle held her brother close to her, she had refused to speak to anyone about the supposed murder until she knew where he was. He had been with her neighbor at the police station, and she could tell he had been crying. She hoped that he was young enough that he wouldn't remember all of this when he was older, she wished even she could forget.

"Mj?" She jumped at Peter Parker's voice, she hadn't even noticed that he'd gone with her to the station she had been so focused on Drew. 

"Oh my god Peter, you should go home," she immediately felt terrible for keeping him away, his aunt was probably worried about him.

"No need," he sat down on the bench next to her and Drew, the small boy was beginning to fall asleep, "Aunt May is on her way here right now. She's bringing you some food." 

God how Michelle loved May Parker.

There were immediately tears in her eyes and she just nodded because she couldn't trust herself to speak. She laid Drew's head in her lap and ran her fingers through his curly hair. She tensed as she felt an arm go around her, Peter's arm. But she didn't have the energy to resist the show of comfort. Instead of listening to the butterflies in her stomach, she laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.


Apparently her grandparents had been planning on moving to Queens that very week. How convenient. She hadn't even spent time with them since her father had died. Her mother had never liked them, she cut them off. 

The officers told Michelle that they would be her and Drew's guardian. To be honest, she was relieved that they had decided to take care of them, Michelle didn't know what she would do if her and Drew were sent into foster care. Peter's aunt May told her that she would take Michelle and her brother in before she let child services send them to foster care.

She didn't understand why May Parker was being so kind to them, she barely knew them, but for some reason it made her like Peter Parker more.

The people from the FBI had explained to her why they thought that someone had murdered her mother. They'd said that the brakes had been cut nearly all the way through so that if someone were to slam on the brakes hard, they would snap and the person wouldn't be able to stop. Michelle didn't even want to think about how terrified her mother must have been. She'd asked to see her mother many times but the agents said it wasn't a good idea and that she shouldn't remember her like that. 

She said she didn't care, that she needed to see her mother, they wouldn't listen. And maybe they were right. She was so scared that she would forget the good in her mother. That she would forget her smile and the way she danced with Michelle around the kitchen when she was younger. She was afraid she would only remember the abuse, the way she would cry herself to sleep because she missed her mom. She didn't want her memory to be stained with blood. 

And god, she was scared that she was a target. The woman from the FBI, agent Washington, told her that they'd seen cases like these. That usually there were test runs of sort. Michelle didn't know why this was immediately the FBI's business, they usually dealt with more serious crimes than this. When she'd asked, they'd refused to tell her.

Five people. Five people, not including her mother died in the accident. Michelle was responsible for the deaths of six people. She shouldn't have tried to defy her mother, she shouldn't have gone with Peter, the FBI had told her that based on the GPS system her mother was on her way to Midtown High. Probably to look for Michelle. She liked to think that she'd been worried about her, but she was probably angry. Her mother had died angry at Michelle. And it was her fault she was gone. 


Peter Parker didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to comfort Michelle, when his parents had died he had been so young and he was so lucky to have May and Ben. All Michelle had were her grandparents who she had barely known. 

When he was little, after his parents had died, all he wanted was to be around other people. Because when he was alone, he started to think about all the ways he should have saved his parents, even though he knew he probably would have had no chance of saving them. He didn't want Michelle to have to think like that. 

It had been even worse when Ben had died, because it had been Peter's fault. No matter how many times May had told him it wasn't, it was. He was a superhero, he was supposed to save people. 

And he was going to save Michelle Jones.

hi hi hi, there's another chapter hehe sorry its kinda short... who do you think is the mystery man who is responsible for michelle's mother's death?? and why do you think he's after peter. if you are worried about michelle, then good, you should be. ahaha love you all

remember to vote and comment!! they give me to motivation to write more.

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