chapter 7

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"i fell in love with you. i dont know how, i dont know why. i just did." -unknown

Michelle didn't mean to start hating Mary Jane, she also didn't mean to suddenly become really good friends with Ned, and she didn't mean to start sitting closer to the two boys at lunch.

Her entire plan was to get Peter Parker to tell her himself that he was spider-man. Simple as that. Then she would win, and stop feeling weird things whenever Peter smiled at her. She was guessing that her heart was trying to tell her that maybe she could have Peter as a friend.

But then she'd remember what he'd said, and how she could never have people over at her house, and how Michelle Jones wasn't supposed to have any friends and she'd push that fluttery feeling in her heart away.

And that's why she created Mj. Now obviously Mj was still Michelle but she decided that Mj was going to be the one that had friends. She was going to be the one that could take her friends places and who had forgiven Peter Parker for his hurtful words.

She wished she could be like Mj, but really, she was just Michelle.

It was at lunch, maybe a week after she'd been partnered up with Peter for the chemistry project when she decided to screw it and sit by the two boys at lunch.

When she walked into the cafeteria they were already sitting at their usual spots alone at the table. Looking like a couple of losers, but the image made her smile.

She sat down right next to Peter Parker himself who immediately froze and stared at her in surprise. Ned, of course, wasn't all too surprised because him and Michelle had been texting quite a bit and he'd been practically begging her to sit with them.

"Take a picture it will last longer." she said and Peter looked like he was going to say something, but apparently, decided not to because he just turned to Ned and gave him a look or surprise.

"Welcome to the dark side Michelle," Ned said and she rolled her eyes so hard it gave her a headache.

"First of all, if that was a Star Wars reference don't bother I won't get it, I've never even seen one of the movies," Peter made a sound that sounded like a mixture of surprise and someone getting punched in the gut, "and second of all, call me Mj."

Ned ignored the whole Star Wars thing, (he already knew she'd never seen a movie and promised he was going to have an all nighter with her where they watched ever one.) Something she was not looking forward to. Instead he said, "Mj? Why Mj?" he was looking confused and maybe slightly hurt that she'd never let him call her Mj in all of their texting conversations.

She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, "Well yeah, my friends call me Mj."

Ned's face almost immediately brightened and he sighed out a "finally."

She glanced at Peter and found that he was looking at her a small smile on his face and for some reason she didn't want to look away.

"You should do that more often," she whispered to him remembering the night that he had saved her brother.

He looked at her in confusion, "Wha-"

She interrupted him, "smile, it looks good on you."

And Peter Parker laughed, Mj did too, and maybe, just maybe, Michelle smiled.


"Hey Mj, you should come over after school today, Peter is coming too," Ned was staring at her nervously. It had only been two days since she'd started sitting with them and Ned clearly didn't want to mess that up.

"To work on our chemistry project?" she asked, she was only half joking, they really did need to work on it. It was a Friday and homecoming was on Saturday night, so they probably wouldn't be able to work on it then, and they still haven't even started.

Maybe she'd been avoiding it, she didn't want to ask Peter because then he'd assume that they would go to her house, and she couldn't have him over there. Things with her mom hadn't been getting better at all, if anything they'd been getting worse.

"Um no," Ned deadpanned glancing at Peter who had a smile on his face. He'd been smiling all day and she had no clue why. Nothing had happened with spider-man, she'd checked, in fact nothing had happened with spider-man in awhile, maybe he was taking a break? He'd mentioned something about losing his internship, but he surely didn't lose spider-man? She could tell how much it meant to him.

"It's just to hang out Mj," Peter said with a laugh, the longer they'd been around each other the less he was beginning to stutter. She couldn't tell if she liked that or not.

"Oh right," she said and she felt a weird burning sensation in her cheeks, embarrassment, she hadn't been asked to hang out for a very long time.

"Well, do you want to?" Ned looked even more nervous now and she almost laughed.

"Do I want to hang out with two losers?" she said, she was teasing them of course but the look on Ned's face made her quickly add, "I'll be there Ned."

Why did she have a damn soft spot for Ned Leeds?

The look of worry vanished and he looked relieved, "okay great! It's going to be so fun."

"Oh Ned I forgot to tell you!" The look of happiness was back on Peter's face, "I'm going with Liz to homecoming!"

Of course she knew about Peter's crush on Liz but for some reason in the past week she'd forgotten about it. And those words and the look on Peter's face made her suddenly feel sick, and she didn't know why. But Mj smiled and gave him a high five as Ned exclaimed, "Really? Nice one dude!"

Ned glanced at her and his smile faltered for a bit, and she realized he could see right through her. Because she had been lying to herself, this whole Mj persona was just an excuse, just an excuse to sit next to Peter Parker, just an excuse to be around him, just an excuse-an excuse to cover the truth.

Because the truth was, god dammit, Michelle Jones was in love with Peter Parker. But then again, hadn't she always been?

and there it is. finally she gets over herself and realizes it amiright!! do you think she's going to act on this new found realization? or is she just gonna continue with her "plan?" lmk what you think!! your comments really keep me going!! love you all!!

p.s. dont forget to comment and vote!! ;))

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