chapter 4

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"she doesn't say 'I love you' like a normal person. instead, she'll laugh, give you a little smile, and say... 'you're an idiot'. if she tells you you're an idiot, you are a lucky man" -unknown

Michelle could have stood there for hours, staring at Peter Parker's unharmed body and the sizable dent in the car behind him. The driver of the car was staring at Peter with a look of disgust and quickly pealed away into the oncoming traffic before disappearing from her view. 

Her jaw went slack realizing what could have happened if Peter hadn't been there, the man in the car was not going slow and clearly wouldn't have cared if he had hit Drew. God how she hated New Yorkers. 

"Did he seriously just pull a hit and run?" Peter's voice wasn't the chipper, nervous tone she usually heard but it was almost angry and she was standing close enough to him where he could see that all the hair on his arms stood on end. His fingers were twitching as if he wanted to run after the man in the car, but she knew there was no way he'd ever catch him.

She was suddenly very aware of the small child that was curled in her arms, he was becoming heavier and heavier as she held him for a long time. But she couldn't bare to let the child go, he was holding onto her like a lifeline, Michelle could feel him shaking and she wondered if he was in shock.

"Michelle?" Peter's voice was suddenly on the other side of her and she spun around seeing that he had moved to the sidewalk from the road. 

She stared at him for a moment before moving the small child to her hip and wrapping her arms around Peter's-surprisingly-strong frame. He stood there for a moment, clearly shocked by her gesture, she had never so much as given him a high five. But he didn't hesitate for long before wrapping both of his arms around them, circling both Drew and Michelle and squeezing them tightly. And Michelle hated to admit it, but damn, Peter Parker gave a great hug.

She quickly released him realizing just how not Michelle she was being, she whispered, "thank you, Parker," offering a smile that felt very tight and unnatural on her face.

"You should do that more," Peter sputtered out shoving his hands into his pockets and ducking his head as she noticed a slight blush creeping up to his face.

"Do what more?" she questioned, if he meant losing her brother so that they had a chance to hang out she was going to lose her mind, maybe break his arm again, for old times sake.

"Smile," he said glancing up at her for a second before quickly looking down again, "it looks pretty on you." 

"I only look pretty when I smile?" she said and nearly laughed seeing his eyes widen in panic, she wondered how he'd gone from the heroic person who had just saved her brother's life to this nervous boy who couldn't get through one sentence without stuttering. 

"N-no no that's not what I meant," he was laughing nervously rocking back slightly on his feet.

"I'm just messing with you, Parker," she said flashing him another one of her oh-so-pretty smiles. "But I really should get Drew home, my mom, uh yeah she'll be wondering where he is."

"O-oh yeah of course, tell her that I said hi," She frowned slightly, Peter had rarely ever even seen Michelle's mother. But she ignored it and told herself that he was just being polite.

"Oh my God, Ned," he sputtered glancing back at the boy who was sitting on a bench almost 20 feet away staring at Peter and Michelle with a weird look of happiness which quickly faded as he saw them watching him.

Peter turned back to Michelle and glanced at Drew who's head was now resting on Michelle's shoulder, he wasn't crying anymore but his eyes were still rimmed red. Drew was staring at Peter a look of awe on his face and as Peter looked at him the child reached his arms out as if he wanted Peter to take him from Michelle. 

Michelle stared at the small boy for a second before holding him out to Peter who quickly took him in his arms. It looked slightly awkward because, well, Peter wasn't the biggest guy around, but he didn't seem to mind.

"You're like a superhero," Drew said quietly and Michelle stared between the two boys and her heart did a weird loop as she saw Peter give the child a smile.

"N-no kid, you're a hero, okay? Remember that." Michelle could have sworn she saw a flash of panic on Peter's face as he heard the world superhero come from the kid's mouth but she ignored it as Peter carefully placed the child back in Michelle's arms. Drew nearly immediately fell asleep and she realized how tired the kid must be, it's been a long night.

"Well, I should get back home," she said to Peter and her voice shook slightly as she spoke. Peter looked at her with worry and glanced quickly back at Ned.

"You know Michelle, well, if you want you know, we could walk you back to your house?" he sounded so nervous and worried that she almost said yes but she could feel shame pass over herself as she remembered just how run down and old her apartment complex was.

"No it's fine, thank you Peter," she said and turned away because if she stayed any longer she probably would have let him walk her back, every time he smiled her stupid heart did a little flip and she hated it. She hat- well, she didn't hate Peter. He had just saved her brother's life. No, she owed Peter Parker, and she hated owing people. 

But as she walked away she didn't see the smile that was on Peter Parker's face or the way he ran back to Ned excitedly because if he had heard her correctly, she hadn't called him Parker like she always did, she'd called him Peter and even if she hadn't meant to, he didn't care because at least he was getting somewhere with her, she couldn't hate him anymore could she? Maybe they could become friends. He missed having her as a friend.

"Ned! Bro! Did you see that?" he was about to mention Michelle and how her brother had called him a superhero which he never really believed even though he was spider-man.

"Dude, you totally dented that car! That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen," Ned was rambling as he always did when it came to spider-man and Peter suddenly could, vividly, feel where the car had hit him. He was probably going to have a bruise for a day or two and was very thankful for his super strength and healing.

"Yeah it was pretty cool," he muttered suddenly very aware of his sore back.

"Michelle was totally like staring at you," Ned said smiling knowingly at Peter, in turn, the boy rolled his eyes and shoved his hands in his pockets. Suddenly he felt his stomach drop as he realized that he hadn't even noticed their biggest problem. If Michelle didn't know he was spider-man before she was going to figure it out pretty soon, she wasn't a complete idiot.

"Shit." he stared at Ned and remembering Michelle's shocked face he felt his shoulders fall, "shit."

well there's another chapter! sorry if its kinda messy i had to write it pretty quick if i wanted to upload. i'm so sorry that i haven't updated for awhile this week got pretty hectic! but i hope you enjoyed and please please please comment and vote! it really helps me want to write more!! do you think michelle is going to figure out peter's secret? lmk down below hehe love you all!! 

p.s. did you notice the little line from the trailer of ffh? yeah i couldn't resist;)

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