Chapter 1

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I was dusting the living room when I heard the front door open and then footsteps. I turn around to see my son Ye-Jun, running towards me.

I get down on one knee and embrace my 6 year old son "how was school" I asked him as I released "I had a test today and I got a B" he said with the biggest smile, I smiled at him "that's amazing hun"

just then I heard the front door open once again.

soon I heard foot steps coming into the living room along with the smell of alcohol. "go to your room little one, lock your door, and no matter what you hear don't come out" he nodded knowing this is the usual.

I sent him running along and I stood up and looked at the door way. there I see my drunk husband. with an angry look on his face, I knew what was coming next.

he walked up to me and slapped me across the face so hard I tasted something I knew all to well after marring him. blood.

I showed no emotion as he beat the crap out of me. I gave up trying to fight back a long time ago, after we got married I slowly started to realize how out of place I was and how much I screwed up. 

I worst part about all of this is that we have a child. and we'll have another one in 7 months... but he doesn't know. I worked so hard to keep Jun in this world. he's 6 for crying out loud, and he has to deal with this 

home is supposed to be a safe place...

that's when I decided that I'm not putting up with this crap any longer.

that night after my husband Mac fell asleep. I dragged my weak body around the house, taking all the money we have, then going to Jun's room.

I wake him up and tell him to get dressed while I called a cab to take us to the docks. then I purchased 2 boat tickets to Korea 

I packed Jun's things and we walked to the front door before I felt a hand on my arm 

"where do you think you're going?" Mac asked "away from you!" I said yanking my arm out of his hand and slamming the door in his face before rushing Jun to the cab.

we got in and drove off with an angry Mac in the rear view mirror probably swearing.

the boat ride was long. when we got to Korea I bought a small apartment and on the way up to said room. there was a boy in the elevator with us. 

he got down on one knee 

"hey there little man!" he said getting Jun's attention "what's your name?" he asked my son "Ye-Jun!" he replied making me smile at how well they got along

he reached in his pocket and pulled out a piece of chocolate "do you want some candy?" he asked and Jun's eyes lit up and grabbed the candy before stuffing it in his mouth 

"now Jun, what do we say?" I asked my son "fank you" he said with a mouth full of candy and we both giggled 

then he reached in his pocket and handed me one, I take it "thank you sir" I say 

"don't call me sir, makes me sound old. the names Seungmin!" he said reaching a hand out for a hand shake "well thank you Seungmin, and I'm Y/n" I said with a smile "plus it looked like you need that candy more then I did" he said with a smile

"yeah.. that's the truth"

"hey, I noticed you're new around here, we don't have many kids in this area. how about you over to my place and meet my roommates. that way you know some people in this area" he rambled 

I giggled and nodded "that sounds nice." I say and he smiles happily "good, they'll be more interested in little Jun here since he's so handsome" he rubs his hand on my sons head, messing up his hair

I smile at Seungmin as he stands up. "I'm on the 3rd floor. room 303, so come by after you get settled in" he says as the elevator dings and he steps off.

he stands there out side the elevator waving "goodbye Y/n, goodbye Jun" he said waving till the door closes. I cant help but smile softly when Jun screams goodbye to Seungmin before the door closes

when we get to our apartment, there wasn't much to do considering we didn't bring much so its pretty bare. I decide to job search tomorrow and take the rest of the day off seeing as its 3 pm (15:00)

I tell Jun to take a shower, then we went to the third floor considering we're on the fourth floor.

when we get to his apartment number. I knock on the door. the door opens and I spot Seungmin and I cant help but smile at him.

"hi!" he said with a smile "hi!" I say and we just stand there staring at each other till I heard a voice in the back ground "Yo Seungmin, who it be?" I was surprised to hear English in Korea

"you just ruined the moment Jisung" Seungmin shouted back in English "what moment?" the Jisung boy asked walking up to see what's up. our eyes meet and he was shocked to see someone here.

I smile at him before he reaches his hand out to me "hello, I'm Jisung, you must be a friend of Seungmin's" he says as I shake his hand with the one that wasn't holding Jun's hand

"yes I am, It's nice to meet you Jisung" I say in English leaving him shocked. I laugh as a blush crept onto his face "so you heard that?" he resorts back to Korean and I nod

Seungmin lets us in while asking in English "where are you from? you sound foreign" he said and I giggled "I'm from Australia" I say with another smile.

"there are 2 Aussies living in this apartment, you'll have to meet them" he said and I nodded with a pleased smile. 

I look beside me to notice Jun was gone. I look around to see him playing with a different guy as he sat on the kitchen counter

I walk up to him 

"oh sorry, I kinda just took your kid" he said scratching the back of his neck. "it's okay, I'm Y/n by the way and this is Jun" I said patting him on the head

"I'm Hyunjin, its nice to meet you!!"  

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