Spelling errors and grammar

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  A lot of people can't spell! It's so sad like I'm younger than you and, you don't know the difference between " right" and "write." The people that don't speak English or grew up spelling the word differently, get a pass. But those who grew up in the United states, learned how to spell simple words. Ok I admit that I have to look up a word I don't know how to spell and stuff like that , but besides that I'm pretty good with spelling. I could be reading someone's story seeing a bunch of misspellings and, I forget what the story is supposed to be about. Also why do people talk like this, " i think blah blah" lol." Why are people talking in lowercase letters? It looks kinda pretty but I get annoyed because, that "i" you used is supposed to be a capital "I". So writing in lowercase letters (like you're dumb), is a "trend?" Anywaysss I'll keep writing correctly. 

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