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     I'm sick of guys being so desperate to get laid. ( to boost their nonexisting ego's). Guys try to talk to me all the time, like leave me alone desperado. I'm not about to be having sex with random guys. I don't owe them anything, and neither do other females like myself. Just because a guy complimented you, gave you a pencil, gave you attention, opened the door for you, or flirted with you DOES not mean they "deserve" your BODY. No cat and mouse games. Close your legs. It sounds so funny when I say that because it's true. I know F-boys are mad at me for ranting about this since I'm stopping them for getting laid if more than three females actually read this, but I'm sick of girls not knowing their worth! Knowing your worth DOESN'T stop here. Being aware of your worth will help you in a lot of situations. You'll know better than to have sex with random guys to feel "confident" and "wanted"; you don't have to wear ripped jeans to show off your thighs nor do you have to wear makeup every day, or anything revealing in general, to get attention from guys. The only skin I show is my arms and ankles, and I STILL look cute regardless. I don't wear makeup every day either only for school dances. There's no need to show all your cleavage, thighs, and buttocks. Flaunt sweatpants, casually cute outfits, and glam outfits. You can honestly wear whatever you want, but you don't have to reveal everything to feel confident. Flaunt all your flaws, imperfectionsinsecurities, and especially your bodies. STOP having sex with guys to feel wanted. F-boys don't love or care about girls they just smash, dash, and brag to their friends about getting into your pants. THEN they call all those girls they had sex with sluts, thots, ho's and whores since they let them get into their pants in the first place. Smh. I'm sick of it. All the F-boys at my school get cold shoulders from me and put in their place for even talking to me in the first place. LEAVE ME ALONE DESPERADO, STOP WITH YOUR DESPERATE ATTEMPTS TO TALK TO ME BECAUSE I LOOK NICE, KEEP YOUR PERVERTED EYES TO YOURSELF. Back to what I was saying, ladies, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE love yourselves. No one has time for all these unexpected/unplanned/ heat of the moment/ unprotected sex encounters, with several negative outcomes because YOU decided to open your legs instead of knowing your worth, and didn't use protection, so that was smart. Stop answering to booty calls on tinder, in school, at work, ETC. You also don't have to have sex with your boyfriend, he can wait until marriage, and if he CAN'T, goodnight. Ladies you are amazing and gorgeous! You don't need a guy to feel confident/ loved, nor do you need to do all the basic things people do for approval, which includes makeup faces every day, AND living up to reality's expectations. Be yourselves, flaunt everything about yourself. If your "friends" or "significant other" can't see how amazing you are or support you, then you need to get rid of them, no negative energy should be in your circle.

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