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Firstly before I start this rant don't comment saying that I misspelled the word phony, I know how it's originally spelled, so hush. Thank you so much! Now onto the rant. I HATE FAKE FRIENDS. I came across a lot of them in the past few years. The first pair of fake friends I met in middle school while I still lived in N.Y.C. I thought we were going to be best friends till the end. In middle school you expect those friends to stick with you up to high school, but in all honesty those friends switch up on you once you move away. Something happens to the point where you are no longer in contact with them, so you grew apart. This happened to me when I received a phone for the first time on my 15th birthday. I was so excited to finally have a phone, I took selfies, and got in touch with my friends from middle school. I wrote down their numbers for when I finally get a phone. So we texted for the whole month of August, and THEN out of the blue one of them stopped texting me. I texted her once, twice, and a third time. She didn't respond. I messaged her for the following days and still NOTHING. My other ex friend still texted me and told the friend that stopped texting me to text me. She still didn't. So I gave up and blocked her. Later on months past and I'm still texting my other friend, she as well stopped texting me, and then out of the blue she would say' sorry blah blah blah'. Being the naive 15 year old that I was, I forgave her, but then I soon became fed up with her, and blocked her too!. At the time I lived in California so this occurred 2 years ago. California is postcard pretty but EVERYONE IS FAKE AND SUPERFICIAL. I lived there for a year or two so trust me I know! And for all the californians out there that want to back up their fake family, don't even try it. You're fake too! Antyways I met these friends at the school I attended in California called ' Colony high school'. I didn't necessarily like the school, though I liked the 'friends' I had, and there were some special memories as well. These friends were ones that I enjoyed talking to on a daily, but then of course people love getting blocked so they too stopped talking to me, and made excuses as to why they took so long to respond to my texts, so I B-L-O-C-K-E-D THEM. I have no problem blocking people, even if I genuinely like, love, and care for you, I just shake it off, tap those three dots and you're blocked. It's happened so many times that I'm almost immune to it. Yes it is sad that I have to remove ANOTHER person from my life, but hey they asked for it. So if you're willing to be my friend, talk to me on a daily basis, invite me out somewhere, or anything of that sort, then ANSWER MY TEXT MESSAGES.  I'm NOT THREATENING YOU; I'M WARNING YOU NOT TO PULL A STUPID STUNT, OR IT'S BYE BYE AUTUMN FOREVER! The same rules apply for 'Happy birthday' messages. I would rather you do something special for me, because saying 'happy birthday' is boring. I'm a Leo I deserve SPECIAL TREATMENT. Saying happy birthday is whatever to me, you're just like any other person that says happy birthday to me in the halls or in class. Where's my gift or paragraph? SOMETHING. I'm not going to beg you for a gift either, I know that when you don't expect things to happen they do happen, but come on! AND don't 'promise me' that you'll say it neither. Don't promise something you can't PROVE. You don't even know if we'll be friends on my next birthday, I can't see into the future, I'm not god. Only God knows what will happen on August 15th, not you, nor me. AND don't say ' I won't forget either'. You better set a timer that's tilted 'say happy birthday to Autumn' or SOMETHING, or else you're getting blocked. I DON'T CARE. I CAN'T CARE HONESTLY, BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T CARE ABOUT ME ENOUGH TO TEXT ME TWO WORDS. 'Hi' or 'Happy birthday'. ' I was too busy, school is making everything difficult'. I'm in school too! Some type of reminder. So that's definitely NOT an excuse. I make time for people but NO ONE makes time for me, like geez. But we're supposed to be 'friends' right? Yeah whatever. People are so ungrateful these days. They never know what they have until it's gone; COMPLETELY. IF I VANISH AND DISAPPEAR FROM THEIR LIVES, SURE THEY'LL BE FINE. BUT THEY WON'T HAVE THAT SUNNY & BUBBLY FRIEND THAT LIT UP THEIR LIVES. Me. No one is like me AT ALL. Everyone is different. The so called 'friends' that I have don't even appreciate me. They're just lucky that I like them enough to continue associating with them. But they better NOT think that they're off the hook either. I WILL STILL BLOCK YOU ALL! YOU ARE very VERY VERY VERY lucky that I'm still in your life. I hope you know that. I'm so sweet, fun, and funny but I WON'T BE WHEN I DELETE YOU FROM MY LIFE WILL I? WHEN I CUT YOU OFF WE'LL SEE WHO'S THE SWEETIE OF THE GROUP THEN! I make all my friends feel so special and wanted, making them feel like they have a purpose in this world. Which we ALL DO. BUT I BET THEY WON'T FEEL SO SPECIAL AND LOVED WHEN I CUT THEM OFF. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT TESTING THE WATERS TO SEE IF I'M SERIOUS OR JUST TALKING, BECAUSE I WILL GLADLY HIT B-L-O-C-K, AND IT WILL SEEM LIKE YOU NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE; JUST LIKE IT WAS BEFORE WE OFFICIALLY MET, SURE I'll STILL THINK OF YOU, BUT THAT IS THE ONLY PLACE YOU'll BE IN MY MIND, WITH UGLY THOUGHTS OF YOU. 

I bet I just made this ride scary for ya. hahahah ;). GOOD.

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