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Haters! haters haters haters, are every where. I'm pretty sure we've all experienced someone hating on us and EVERYTHING WE DO, and stand for. Just know that 'if you ain't got no haters you ain't poppin'. The deeper meaning of the quote is saying that, " If no one says bad things about you, then you're a nobody". Haters are people that have something to say about one thing after another. Some of us can't deal with that specific hate, so we allow them to treat us like we're peasant's and we start thinking as such. Haters are also bullies. They bully you because it makes them feel in control of that power they possessed, though deep down inside they don't even LIKE THEMSELVES. Bullies are ALL over the world unfortunately, and bullying crosses over to suicide, because most people are weak; of seeing that they think of harming themselves. Bullies always have a way of manipulating people into doing what they want, by being condescending. I hate bullies they need to be extinct like dinosaurs! Moving forward to haters, though no one likes to admit it, N.Y.C is the BEST place on earth. Everyone's despises New York. Why? Because we're the BEST! I was born in Manhattan, I'm a city girl. If you've never been to New York; there are five boroughs, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island, and the Bronx. I love N.Y.C. so much, it's the place to be. You have your flashing lights, awesome food, entertainment everywhere you go, spectacular fashion, plenty of opportunities, and SO MUCH MORE. Yeah sure you can try living somewhere else, but NO WHERE compares to there. People can hate on New York all they want, calling it dirty, and crowded. It's the real world, deal with it! Everything isn't all pretty and clean, like stupid California with it's fake families. N.Y.C. does have small apartments for high prices, the apartments look like shoes boxes, and cost $3,ooo. So you're very lucky if you found a luxurious apartment for a low price. But honestly New York is amazing, you guys should move there. I loveeeee it.💙💙💙💙

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