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College is brought up so many times when you're in highschool I always brushed it off pushing away the topic. My mom told me the truth which is that a lot of people go to college and don't even end up having the career they want after all those years of going to school. If you want to be a doctor, scientist, anything like that you have to go to college. If not DON'T waste all those years in school when you could be having fun and enjoying life. Three or six years went by and now you're in your mid-20's waiting to get a job with your bachelors degree. There are many people who spent a whole bunch of money just to get in NYU or Yale to die in debt from the major they paid so MUCH money for. Adults are still paying off their college debt and working at a fast food restaurant. You spent all your years in college just to work at McDonald's.😂🚫. Why spend all that money on the major you want if you can't even get a job with your bachelor's degree? Plenty millionaires out there didn't go to college and are very successful. I'm going to be one of them , I want to be a best-selling author so instead of going to college for all those years and wasting my time I'm going to go to a trade school for writing instead, where I only have to pay once and it's wayyyyy cheaper than going to college. Unless your scholarship is paid for and, you go to a trade school for a major that you don't need to go to college for, then you won't be in debt. A lot of teenagers my age are forced to go to college because their parents, or they actually want to go, but like I said before if you don't want to be a doctor or scientist anything related to that then you could go to a trade school it's cheap and not a waste of time. College is the "American dream" and if you don't go, everyone makes it seem like you won't be successful but it's actually the opposite. And I've had other talks with my mom about the real world too. I'll be ok👏💙.

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