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     Hey Ladies, stop treating other women negatively because they have confidence. It's not a good look. I NEVER have a problem complimenting someone else's outfit or calling someone pretty. Since you're so bitter and miserable for multiple reasons, one starting with self-love, you treat people the same way you treat yourself, with hate. You're too prideful to even compliment anybody else but your "friend" because it hurts you too much to see someone else do good. That's really dumb. Because of the lack of self-confidence in yourself, you treat girls/ women who have confidence like they're nothing, so you can feel "confident" and superior. STOP doing that, it's a really, sad, jealous, and evil life to live. It's sad how you have SO much self-hate for yourself, so you scowl and stare confident girls down due to your self-esteem. You would do ANYTHING to get them out of the way just so the attention can be on you. They claim to be so "confident", but can't enough give someone credit for being pretty or successful at something. They just get an attitude, say a snide comment to themselves or their friends to make themselves feel better, or have an angry expression on their faces. Like me for example, a LOT of girls are jealous of me because they don't like themselves. That has NOTHING to do with me. I'm not going to change my lively personality or stop being a fashionista to benefit you. If standing next to me makes you feel insecure or annoyed THEN you're the one with the problem not vice versa. I'm very likable, by adults and some teens. But another thing is when you're not BASIC-like everybody else people see you as boring, or too this and that, like bruh  I'm not going to change myself to fit in. Yeah, I have my flaws, imperfections, and insecurities but I'm still gorgeous regardless. They see the way I walk, talk, act, carry myself, dress, and they HATE it since I have confidence while doing it. I'm not ashamed of being a goody-two-shoes with an amazing personality. I will continue to be MYSELF unapologetically. I'm never going to turn into a  basic pothead, alcoholic, drug addict, thot, or anything else I dislike. My haters wouldn't think I'm "so stuck-up" or " I act like I'm all this... that" if THEY KNEW their WORTH. How about you REALIZE your worth instead of discrediting someone for knowing theirs and being so upset and evil about it. Stop being a bitter bitch and love yourself.

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