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I hate public speaking! You don't even care about what I'm saying. So why should I go in front of the class and make a speech about the topic, when the only person that really cares is the teacher since she's grading it? Presentations are just a waste of everyone's time.  I wrote about presentations during the time I was a sophomore in high school. At the school I attended , as a sophomore you had to complete a project called: MYP. Which stood for 'middle year project'. In our journalism class we were allowed to choose a topic of our choice. I chose to write about the myp project and how it's unnecessary. I'll paste the assignment below.

                                                               Unnecessary MYP Project

 All sophomores of North Atlanta High School must come up with a topic that is challenging for a grade. If we don't do the project this grade will affect our entire average. Our grades will decrease dramatically, and it would be very hard to bring them all back up. Me personally, I'm terrible at math. Which is why I'm struggling in both math and chemistry. But to me, what's the point of of doing all of this research? Just to present it in front of the class, and embarrass ourselves? No one will learn anything from the powerpoint or word document. Just like when certain people talk to me, It will go through one ear and go out the other, I don't really pay attention, unless I think it's important or relevant to my ears. Besides that I just don't care. This MYP Project is a waste of time and space, nobody will remember anything once class is over. As a sophomore I have many other significant things on my plate. I know it's also harder for the teens that are involved in sports, that's a pretty hard schedule to keep up. But hey, some people like a challenge right? Well I'm not one of those people, High School is hard enough as is. Then after High School comes College, Which means more responsibilities and studying. Afterwards you need a job to pay the bills. Hopefully there won't be any extra work as a Sophomore in College, like there is in High School. In Highschool there is always a catch, especially with Teachers. Who would've thought as a Sophomore you have to do a project in order to move to the next grade? Not me. And guess what? This MYP Project is draining my life. Without The MYP Project, everything would be so much better and less stressful overall.

Since I hate presentations I didn't do a good job presenting this in front of the class I was nervous. I HATE presenting. I think I received a 100 for the assignment. I never thought I would do the MYP project at all, but I surprisingly completed it. I kept procrastinating and finally completed it! Yay me! As London Tipton would say.

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