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 Prom is fun. I have junior and senior prom at this school. I'm a junior almost a senior, but I STILL feel like I'm a freshman. I didn't go to prom yet but it's coming up at my school. Every time it does I ask my friends or acquaintance's, if they're going to prom. Some say they're going and most say that they're not going because they don't have a date. You don't need a date to go to prom! I'm sick of people saying that. You can show up by yourself looking glamorous without a guy being next to you. It's nice to have a date so you can slow dance with them and stuff but you really don't need a date to go to prom. You can even go with your friends and I'm sure you're aware of that, but you don't act like it. I'm sick of hearing people say " No I'm not going cause I don't have a date." YOU DON'T NEED A DATE! And even when I try convincing them to go, they make excuses. For instance, " I don't wanna dance by myself" blah blah blah." If I can dance by myself with and without music, you can too. Couples at prom don't even last the next day and it's not surprising to me. When I hear that they broke up I'm just like "oh." That's why when I see people at my school or anywhere else in a relationship with a boy, I always say "It won't last", and no it's not because I'm jealous, relationships barely last in 2019, ever since last year couples that were supposed to be getting "married" didn't , EVERYONE knows this too but won't admit it; people act like they don't know what's going on. And first of all most couples don't even last nowadays, and if they do last, 2 times out of 10 the relationship is real; OR that girl or guy stays in the relationship just so they won't be alone, meanwhile the relationship isn't healthy. They're getting physically abused, verbally abused, mentally abused, neglected, or cheated on. But they stay because they don't want to be alone and think that the current boyfriend or girlfriend they have is the ONLY one for them, that's not true, everyone deserves to be treated with respect, love, affection, etc. All of that. Getting treated with respect and love is very different than what you think. A REAL boyfriend is sweet, loving, considerate; asks you if you're ok, asks for consent, respectful, loyal, and doesn't force you to do anything. A FAKE boyfriend cheats on you, disrespects you, calls you " bro" when they get mad at you, treats you like a friend, is aggressive, doesn't get you anything for holidays that require gifts, all the bad things. Girls if you're in a relationship like the one I just described then you need to look for a REAL boyfriend. Back to the rant so when couples go to prom I already know what's gonna happen, this is like a "goal" for the girl or boy to lose their virginity at prom. Even if the boy or girl isn't in a relationship, and they just go to prom with a guy or girl that asked them to be their date, they end up losing their virginity cause it "seems right." The boy is usually the one that convinces them to lose it, so that he can brag to his friends about "hitting that", and THEN that girl they had sex with will be the talk of the school. STOP LOSING YOUR VIRGINITY TO GUY'S THAT AREN'T EVEN WORTH IT. Just because he's cute doesn't mean have sex with him. CLOSE YOUR LEGS. So for those people out there that are in bad relationships LEAVE now, stop sticking around just so you can say you're in a relationship. And only do things because YOU want to, not cause your partner wants you to, and that goes for EVERYTHING. Don't let your partner control you, stick up for yourself. And for the girls that don't want to go to prom because they "don't have a date", oh well! Go by yourself or with your friends. I'm probably gonna go to prom, and it would be soooo nice if a guy asked me. I would be like " Awww" and try not to blush, but that won't happen because I'm not a "Thot" so, which is fine, cause I'm not gonna turn into one for a boy to ask me, that's dumb. And if a boy DID ask me I couldn't go to prom with them, cause my mom would't approve, I'm not allowed to date either. I'll elaborate on that " I'm not a Thot so they won't ask me" part. What I mean is guys always ask girls out just so they can smash and dash, it doesn't matter if you're a thot or not, but most girls in highschool are, so the guy's have better chances with getting in their pants, since the thots are willing to give it up so easily. Girls that aren't Thots still end up losing their virginity because they feel like they HAVE to, and then the guy that took their virginity will go brag to his friends, and everyone will talk about that girl that lost her virginity at prom. She might not be the only one to lose it either a lot of girls ( besides me) are naive when it comes to things like this. Thankfully my mom told me all about that stuff cause then I would be dumb and oblivious too, thinking that my boyfriend really loves me like he said he does, and wants me to have sex with him because of those three words. Yeah right. But anywayyyyy GO TO PROM WITHOUT A DATE YOU'LL STILL HAVE FUN, AND IF YOU END UP GOING WITH YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHER THEN YAY, BUT ASK YOURSELF IF THEY'RE WORTH HAVING YOU. THINK HARD BECAUSE WHEN YOU GET PREGNANT THEN WHAT? IS HE GOING TO JUMP FOR JOY OR TELL YOU TO GET AN ABORTION AND LEAVE, LIKE MOST GUYS DO? THINK ABOUT IT AND HAVE FUN. DANCE ALL NIGHT UNTIL YOUR FEET HURT. Lol. 

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