02 | The Element Clan

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A few weeks after the incident

There is a dark atmosphere when Aizawa enters Nezu's office after being called. Although Nezu has his mouth tilted up into a grin, his eyes are not smiling.

"So?" Aizawa asks, understanding that this matter is to do with the girl.

"I identified the seal," He replies. "It's a seal to block 3 of 4 Elements from the Element quirk. These are fire, air and earth. The only way to remove the seal is if a spell quirk user reverses its affect or if (y/n) is on the brink of death."

Aizawa was speechless for a moment. "The element quirk? I thought the family with that quirk were all assassinated like 20 years ago?"

"They were. I did some research to find out who (y/n)'s father was and he was a hero a few years ago before retiring for unknown reasons. His quirk was Temperature, the power to change the temperature of anything not living. I believe that (y/n)'s quirk is the element quirk fused with her fathers. The clan which had the element quirk was very strict and only shared that quirk amongst their own family. This was because a child to an element quirk welder was guaranteed to inherit that same quirk and the leaders knew if it fused with other quirks, the power would be too uncontrollable. (y/n)'s mother must have been a survivor of the element clan massacre," Nezu replies making Aizawa's eyes widen.

The element family were a small family located in Russia and because of their quirks they were treated like royalty. Since they were very powerful, they were well known worldwide. Then suddenly 19 years ago their mansion disappeared leaving a perfect half-circle crater where it once stood. The culprit was believed to be a man who was found dead at the scene who was drugged with what scientists confirmed was a quirk enhancing drug. The case was closed with the guy assassinating the whole family along with a few Russian leaders who had called the whole family in for a meeting. There were many suspicions and theories on what happened but nothing could be proven so the investigation was eventually stopped and people slowly forgot about the Element clan.

"I am not sure how (y/n)'s mother could have survived, but I do know that we should definitely keep this confidential. I assume that there could be some powerful people after (y/n)'s quirk or wanting her dead if this was made public. This means I will make it so (y/n) is officially your daughter and we won't hide that. Yes it may be dangerous to identify her as your daughter and she may be targeted for that but this is a much safer option compared to any risks that make a connection to her true family, I'm sorry about this Aizawa but can you do this?" Nezu asks with a concerned but hopeful look.

Aizawa sighs. This is going to be one heck of a bother.

"Yeah, I'll do it."

- Somewhere in a dark tavern -

"Are you sure she had a kid?"

"Her quirk was gone so she must of."

"What about the father?"

"I don't know but he's definitely not from the clan so this kid will most likely have the element quirk fused with another quirk, this is an ideal power which will be an extreme help to us."


A/N: (Y/N) 's true quirk revealed! This was just a short chapter to reveal a bit on your background and also show what this story will add on to the normal storyline of bnha. I'll have the details of you and your quirk up soon!

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