30 | (y/n) VS Rei [FINAL]

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This is the final chapter~
and it's kinda trashy but I tried?

There's a face reveal at the end~ but I prob will end up deleting it cause I cringe when I see it😂 edit: I did delete it, oops


"Get back!" (y/n) yells as she pushes Uraraka and Asui away before the light encases her in a cage.

"(y/n), my dear (y/n)~ why didn't you just save yourself? Too bad that you can't escape~" A voice sings and (y/n) grits her teeth when she sees a figure emerge in the cage with her.


This light cage is different from before... The walls are solid... How am I going to escape? Can I really defeat this guy?

"Aw I'm glad you remember me~ I was afraid you had forgotten. I can't wait to see that determined face of yours be crushed with despair~" He innocently smiles.

And so we continue:

I'm crappy at writing fight scenes...

"(y/n)!!!" Uraraka screams out.

"Stay back!" (y/n) demands the two girls only to see them pressed up against the walls of light, not able to enter.

So not only I can't get out, no one can enter... But I can still use my quirk. Why doesn't he just use the quirk blocking cage? Maybe not being able to use quirks in the cage applies to him too... Anyway, he is still able to block each element of my quirk by using those other weird spells when I use the element so I should save water for last...

"(y/n), my dear (y/n)~ that look on your face tells me you've worked out my cage of no escape. Yes, it's different from the last one, I can only apply one rule after all~" Rei chimes.

 Yes, it's different from the last one, I can only apply one rule after all~" Rei chimes

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"Just shut up already...!" (y/n) glares as the earth begins to shake from using her earth element.

"How careless of you, you've lost your earth quirk because of that~" Rei laughs after a symbol appears on (y/n).

Hmph I'm not that dumb, now I'll just go in without using my quirk to make what I'm doing less obvious

(y/n) runs at Rei, pulling out bandages from her sleeve.

"Aizawa-sensei's scarf?!" Uraraka exclaims as she watches (y/n) pointlessly attacking Rei with them.

"She must have her own... Anyway, we should contact the others!" Asui croaks and both her and Uraraka get out their phones.

"What's this? A scarf? Trying to be like Eraser?" Rei laughs. "You're way too weak!"

Rei pulls out the sword at his waist and cuts down the bandages.

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