09 | USJ Final Pt.

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"FEAR NOT I AM HERE!!" All Might announces with his usual smile replaced with a frown, clearly angry at the situation.

"I've been waiting here, you worthless trash" Shigaraki croaks

All Might sprints in and grabs Aizawa, (y/n), Midoriya, Asui and Mineta, taking them further away from the villains.

"Everyone to the entrance. Take Aizawa and young (y/n) they are severely injured" All might tells the 3.

Shigaraki wobbles, picking up his hand he starts to mumble while scratching his neck. All Might starts attacking the Nomu while Midoriya holds (y/n) and Asui holds Aizawa with the help of Mineta.

"Asu... Tsu-Tsuyu...! Mineta!" Midoriya stutters looking at the two with his bright green eyes glowing with determination.

"What is it Midoriya?" Asui replies.

"Take (y/n) too... Please?" He says.

"Wait we can't -" Asui starts to say but Midoriya has already placed the white haired girl on the ground and is running back to where All Might is.

"ALL MIGHT!" Midoriya yells out as he sprints forward.

"GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!! DEKU!" Bakugo yells as he jumps into the scene and punches Kurogiri.

The Nomu who is now holding All Might starts to freeze.

"So I heard you people are here to kill All Might" Todoroki states while still completely calm.

Kirishima who has now also joined the situation at hand, lunges at Shigaraki only to miss.

"Kacchan...! Guys...!" Midoriya says, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Me too..." (y/n) mutters, getting up onto her feet only to stumble. "I'm not going down that easily..."

"(y/n) you're injured stay back!" Kirishima exclaims.

"How can you still be standing?" Todoroki asks.

They all look at the girl. Her once pure white hair tied up is now covered in dirt and falls over her face and down her shoulders in a tangled mess. Her (s/c) skin which used to be smooth is now much paler and is covered in cuts and bruises. She is trembling and her costume is ripped but her eyes a still bright. The girl is now completely running on adrenaline.

"You're in no state to fight" Todoroki states as he turns back around and puts his attention onto his ice and Nomu.

All Might leaps up from Nomu's grasp and clutches the side of his stomach as he turns to face Shigaraki.

"You've pinned down our way out... Well this is a problem..." Shigaraki coldly stares at Bakugo who is holding Kurogiri down.

Bakugo continues to taunt Kurogiri while smirking creepily.

He looks more like a villain than most of them do... (y/n) tries to laugh only to cough up blood. Me and my shitty humour isn't helping me...

"Not only you have beaten our level but you're all at full health, well apart from (y/n) over there" Shigaraki smiles which is way creepier than Bakugos.

"Nomu take out the explosive brat. We need our escape route back and afterwards get the girl" Shigaraki orders Nomu who disposes his frozen arm and regenerates another instantly.

"KATSUKIII-ack!" (y/n) begins to screech then tastes the metallic taste once more as she has another coughing fit.

Nomu sprints at Bakugo and punches at him.

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