11 | Sports Festival Pt. 2

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"The top 42 from this round will move on!! Now onto the second event! The cavalry battle!" Midnight announces then proceeds to explain the event. She goes on about who gets what points and then when she gets to first place she announces that they will be worth 10 million points.

I knew it.... (y/n) turns to look at Midoriya along with every other participant who's eyes seem to be gleaming. Midoriya seems to be trembling from the pressure.

While Midnight explains the process of the exam, (y/n) tries to think of who to go with.

"HAG/(y/n)! team up with me!"

(y/n)'s (e/c) eyes meet crimson and heterochromic ones.

"HEY ICYHOT I ASKED FIRST!" Bakugo yells at Todoroki even though they asked at the same time.

"Uhhh...." (y/n) panics a bit, not knowing who to choose. She looks over at Midoriya but sees that he has already assembled a team.

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT HIM FOR?! COME ON JUST HURRY UP!" Bakugo shouts at (y/n) causing her to wince at the volume.

Bakugo grabs (y/n)'s arm and starts to drag her off to his team when an icy grasp grabs her other arm's wrist.

What the fuck is this.... (y/n) thinks. Why do I always feel like I'm in a shoujo anime rather than an action one...

"Hey Eraser who are those two?? Why are they holding hands with MY (y/n)?!" Present Mic cries grabbing hold of Aizawa and shaking him.

Aizawa just glares in the direction of the three and Mic stops shaking him, a shiver runs down his spine after feeling an angry aura emitting from his friend (husband).

What do I do? What do I do? I do want to win so going with one of these two is probably best. Come on think (y/n)! Who would be the best option.... Wait that's obvious.

"Let go Katsuki, I'm going with Shoto" (y/n) sighs, relieved that she managed to choose.

I'm not getting deafened and pulled around by Katsuki that sounds like a bother... Shoto is smarter and probably stronger anyway....

(ahhh I love my explosive boy so I feel so bad...)

Todoroki nods as Bakugo is speechless, his face more ticked off and twisted than ever.

"Bye bye hedgehog, we're gonna crush you~" (y/n) smiles and waves before following Todoroki to his team.

"The reason I've chosen you all is because our formation will be the most stable. Kaminari you guard the left and keep enemies away with you electricity. (y/n) you take right. Wash enemies away with you water and shield us with ice when we need you to. Iida you take the lead. We'll make use of your mobility and physicality for defense.

Man Shoto knows his stuff...


"Our target..."


"Can only be..."

"ONE!.... START!!!"

Everyone rushes at Midoriya's team but they manage to escape into the sky.

Why can't we just go for other teams... (y/n) thinks, not wanting to go after Midoriya because everyone else is.

Half of the time has passed and Bakugo's team has chosen to concentrate on crushing Monoma's before going after Midoriya.

(y/n) who has been using her water to get their team some extra points as they go after Midoriya, has gotten them to third place but Todoroki only seems to be set on getting the 10 million.

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