29 | Sleepover

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"Back to normal classes starting tomorrow!"

"Arghh that ultimate move training was such a waste of my holidays..." (y/n) groans as she slumps onto the couch.

"There is wayy too much going on lately" Kaminari complains.

"I wanted to celebrate getting our licenses but I'm too tired," (y/n) cries as she leans onto Ashido's shoulder causing the girl to blush a bit but it is not noticeable on her already pink skin.

"Then how about in the weekend everyone comes over to my home!" Yaoyorozu suggests. "We recently got a miniature theatre built!"

"A miniature theatre...? Rich much... But sure sounds fun! Is it gonna be a sleepover?!" (y/n) asks, leaping up with excitement.

"Of course," Yaoyorozu smiles.

"Yay! Let's invite everyone!" Ashido cheers.


"Damn I knew Yaomomo was rich but not this rich...!" (y/n) exclaims as she stands in front of the Yaoyorozu household gate.

"I know right... I'm still shocked now even though I can here to study once!" Kirishima agrees.

"Uhh (y/n)?" Kaminari says getting the girl's attention.


"Why do you have those two and are they alright?" Kaminari asks, pointing to Shinso and Monoma who are stuffed into a sleeping bag each and being dragged along, looking as if they are unconscious.

"More the merrier," (y/n) shrugs earning sweat drops from both Kaminari and Kirishima.

"I see... I didn't know you had two sleeping bags though! I thought you only had one!" Kirishima speaks up to change the subject.

"Huh, this? It's my dads~" (y/n) snickers as she presses the doorbell.

"It's Aizawa-sensei's?! Isn't he gonna be pissed off?!" Kaminari exclaims which a shocked expression which matches Kirishima's.

"I'll get Hitoshi to defend me~ I swear that old man likes him more than me sometimes..." (y/n) sighs.

"Hello? Oh is that you (y/n)? I'll open up the gate right away!" Yaoyorozu's voice chimes out and soon enough the gate does open.

"Let's go~" (y/n) cheers, proceeding to drag the two across the ground.



Anyone from the class who I don't mention just pretend they couldn't come or that they're there but aren't talking...

"(y/nnnnnn)! Why did you have to bring Monoma, he's been dissing us the whole time!" Kaminari cries.

"And he's also been creepily laughing, it's scary!" Sero complains.

"You two... He's funny isn't he?" (y/n) laughs.

"He hates us all... Except for you..." Jirou sweat drops.

"And why bring that guy as well?" Ojiro asks, pointing to Shinso.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you don't like him much... But look he fits in with the class! Look at him talking to Izuku!" (y/n) grins.

"Gather round kiddos we're about to play a game! And you have to! That means you too Bakugo!" Ashido announces.

"Why do I have to play a fucking game?!" Bakugo yells back.

"Because you fucking decided to come to this sleepover?" (y/n) says, rolling her eyes.

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