14 | Hero Aliases

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Bit of a boring chapter... The next one is the internships so look forward to that! Though I really need to up my writing skills...

"I had all these people talking to me on the way here!!" Ashido exclaims as a group of them are gathered together, chatting before class.

"Same here! So many stares it was embarrassing," Hagakure flusters.

"Me too!" Kirishima agrees.

"I'm glad I don't have to go through that, it sounds like a drag" (y/n) yawns, warming up in her sleeping bag.

Without her water quirk (y/n) has been feeling the cold a bit more and so she now is seen a lot in her sleeping bag along with a hoodie wherever she goes.

"All these grade schoolers were telling me I made a good effort" Sero sadly says making (y/n) chuckle.

"Have a hug Hanta!" (y/n) grins trying not to laugh as she bounces over to him and embraces him.

"Gee thanks (y/n)..." He mumbles, pouting a bit but then blushes and does his triangle smile.

"Morning." Aizawa trudge in and the class go quiet and return to their seats.

"Good to see your bandages off Aizawa sensei," Asui speaks up.

"The old lady's treatment was excessive" He replies.

"Exactly! I took those annoying things off ages ago!" (y/n) laughs and the class sweat drop with a select few who actually look genuinely worried.

"And then was in pain when your shoulder wound opened up and complained that there was blood everywhere...." Aizawa sighs recalling the moment a week ago when (y/n) took off all her bandages and then the next morning woke up screaming in pain and also yelling that her precious (anime character) body pillow was covered in blood.

"What a fucking idiot" Bakugo comments and his crimson eyes narrow when he meets (y/n)'s (e/c) ones.

"Why do you care?" (y/n) spits glaring back.

"But you really do need to take care of yourself (y/n)" Kirishima weakly smiles.

"Aw thanks Eijirou~ See Katsuki if you acted like this then everyone wouldn't hate you" (y/n) laughs along with a few others.

"Are you okay now then (y/n)?" Kaminari asks looking at the white haired girl with concern.

"Yeah! I've got another scar on my shoulder now though... Wanna see?" (y/n) takes off her hoodie and slides up her sleeve to show a gruesome scar, some would even say worse than the one on her face.

The class wince when they look at it.

That looks really painful...

I-is she okay?

How can she be so happy with that many scars?

(y/n) is so manly!

That fucking loser needs to stop getting injured

"Anyway" Aizawa cuts in, thinking about what a waste of time it was again. "Today we've got a hero informaticss class. And a special one at that"

"Ugh I hate that writing stuff... being a hero should mean action!" (y/n) complains under her breath.

"You'll be coming up with your hero aliases" He announces and the whole class cheers including the once tired (y/n) who now is at full energy.

Wait why am I so excited I don't have any idea what the hell to choose?!

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