27 | Provisional Licence Exam Pt. 1

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"Earn your provisional licenses by passing this test and you won't be mere eggs anymore but full fledge hatchlings reborn as semi-pros! Show them your best," Aizawa tells the class that are brimming with excitement but also nervousness.

"Woah that's a pretty motivation speech coming from you dad!" (y/n) laughs.

"Anyway... Time for our cheer!"

"All together now! Plus..."

"Ultra!!" The whole class + one shiketsu dude shouts.

"Who the hell are you?!" (y/n) exclaims when she notices the weird, enthusiastic stranger.

"It's bad manners to intrude on other group's huddle Inasa," Someone else from shiketsu scolds.

"Ah, you got me! I am so... Very... Sorry!" The guy yells, bending backwards very far and then forwards into a bow so he hits his head on the ground.

"Who is this whacked-out big ball of excitement?" Kaminari questions.

"He's like Iida plus Kirishima squared!" Sero comments.

"Damn he's flexible," (y/n) adds.

So that's Shiketsu high... They're standing up straight and are at ease like soldiers... I'd hate to go to such a strict school like that, plus apparently, you can't even date people? Not that anyone would date me... But I have my anime bois and waifus anyway!

"I just always wanted to try saying it! Plus ultra! I love U.A high! It is truly an honour to compete alongside the fine students of U.A!" Yoarashi announces as blood drips down his forehead.

"Inasa Yoarashi..." Aizawa mutters to himself.

"Do you know him, dad?"

"He's very strong. Yoarashi. This year he placed top in your grade at U.A under special recommendations, his top grades were enough to open the doors for him but for some reason, he decided to matriculate," Aizawa continues.

"Huh?! So he's... A first year?! With special recommendation top grades!" Midoriya exclaims.

"He's better than Shoto?" (y/n) blurts.

"This guy says he's a big fan of U.A but then turned down the offer? I don't get it," Sero says and they a few nod.

"Weird," Ashido agrees.

"Weird or not, he's the real deal so keep an eye on him," Aizawa responds.

"Eraser?! Is that really you Eraser?!" A female voice calls out and Aizawa's face changes into a weird one. "I saw you on TV and at the sports festival. Its been too long since we last met face to face!" A woman approaches them.

Ohhh it's ms joke! That means...

"Let's get married!" Ms Joke declares to Aizawa but (y/n) runs between them, raising her arms out as if to protect her dad.

"He can't! He's promised to uncle Mic!" (y/n) protests but Ms Joke just laughs.

"But (y/n) dear if he marries me, we could build a happy household where the laughs never stop!" Miss Joke explains.

"Nothing about that sounds happy to me," Aizawa bluntly replies causing (y/n) to snort.

"So you two are friends?" Asui buts in the conversation to ask.

"Our agencies were close by way back then! I'd save him a few times and he'd save me. We fell in love and you know how it goes..."

"It went nowhere," Aizawa cuts Ms Joke off.

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