08 | USJ Pt.2

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Don't tell me dad is gonna fight them all by himself?! I know he's strong but some of those villains look really powerful... (y/n) is frozen in place as she watches her dad yell something out and leap down the stairs. (y/n) can see that she is not the only one worrying as Midoriya also looks doubtful.

"Trust him Izuku, dad's strong" (y/n) smiles at him in an attempt to reassure him but her classmates can all tell that she is just trying to persuade herself.

Aizawa fights all the villains using a combination of both his quirk and scarf.

"Wow! He can hold his own even when outnumbered!" Midoriya says stunned.

Yes he is doing well but those are just the disposable nobody villains... From what I can tell the hand guy and the portal guy are the main leaders. I don't know what that brain thing is though but it looks strong... Ugh (y/n) just believe in him!

"C'mon Izuku we gotta evacuate!" (y/n) tears herself away from watching her father and grabs Midoriya by the arm.

"I won't allow that" The portal guy suddenly appears in front of them, blocking the exit. "Greetings we are the league of villains, forgive our audacity but today we come here to U. A high-school to end the life of All Might, the symbol of peace"

They want to kill All Might? How do they expect to do that? And why is he being so formal?

Thirteen is about to attack the portal when suddenly Kirishima and Bakugo jump forward to attack him.

Thirteen is about to attack the portal when suddenly Kirishima and Bakugo jump forward to attack him

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"YOU IDIOTS DON'T!" (y/n) screams.

"Get back both of you!" Thirteen yells.

Darkness surround them and some of the class disappears.

"Where is everyone?! Can we confirm their locations?" Iida exclaims.

"They've been scattered around the facility, it's like 2 or 3 of them per area versing a lot of villains" (y/n) answers after activating her screen.

"Physical attacks are no good he just warps away!" Sero yells out.

"Nah there's probably a body in there... That armour piece seems fishy" (y/n) mumbles.

"Class president!" Thirteen calls.

"Yes!" He replies.

"Your job is to run back to the school and report on what's happening" Thirteen commands.

"The class president can't very well abandon his class" Iida protests.

"Please go" (y/n) pleads, stressing about her father and classmates' safety.

"Please use your quirk to save us all" Thirteen says.

"Just like in the cafeteria we can provide all the support you need! And we will!" Uraraka chirps putting a brave smile over her nervous face.

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