Ending | K. Bakugo

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It's official, I can't write romance for shit

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It's official, I can't write romance for shit. And I still have 8 more to write after this... What have I gotten myself into...

Thanks to Jumins_waifu who made this chapter way less trash than it was 😂👌


"Hm?" (y/n) replies spinning around to meet the determined eyes of Katsuki Bakugo.

"What? I'm hungry," (y/n) yawns and then she is suddenly slammed against the wall, unable to escape due to Bakugo's arms on either side of her.

"What's this about hedgehoe?" (y/n) smirks, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Just shut the fuck up and listen!" Bakugo demands.

"Okay, okay. My bad," (y/n) sighs although on the inside her heart is beating faster than normal.

"Why the fuck do you always have to get hurt..." He mutters as he glances at the bandages covering her arms and legs.

"Awww do you care about me?" (y/n) questions half joking but half hoping that maybe he really does care

"And what if I do?" Bakugo admits with a light blush appearing on his cheeks

(y/n) 's eyes widen in shock as a blush makes its way onto her cheeks.

"Y-you what?"

Bakugo then leans in and kisses her softly and passionately.

(y/n) is taken by surprise but slowly starts to kiss back and then after awhile they pull away for air.

"I care about you, I'll protect you for the rest of my life" Bakugou says

(y/n) can't help but mess with him after hearing this. Regaining her composure, she smiles.

"Is that a love confession? Are you asking me out? Ohmigod you're blushing! The Katsuki Bakugo is blushing!" (y/n) squeals, grabbing her phone and snapping a pic.

"Shut up... And what the fuck was that for!" Bakugo snaps.

"Hahaha you're so cute Katsuki," (y/n) laughs, her face glowing with happiness. "I'll go out with you but that doesn't mean I need protecting! You're weaker than me so I'll protect you!"

"Huh?! I'm not weaker than you!"

"Sure sure... Mmph?!"

"See?" Bakugo smirks.

"I can do that too," (y/n) mirrors his smirk as she grabs his collar and kisses him again.


"Ughhh I just can't seem to beat you, Shoto and Izuku... Will I forever be stuck in 4th?" (y/n) sighs as she slumps into the couch of the Bakugo agency.

"It just means you're weak," Bakugo grins.

"Shut up! I'm just lazy and anyway, popularity-wise I'm ranked higher than you!" (y/n) announces.

"Who cares about other people's opinions anyway," Bakugo shrugs.

"Uhh, aren't heroes y'know meant to be like people's heroes and shit?" (y/n) sweat drops.

"Huh? I don't care about them," Bakugo scoffs.

"What about me then?" (y/n) smirks.

"Hm? So I'm your hero (y/n)?" Bakugo grins again, his red eyes gleaming.

"Eh...? Why would a weaker hero be my hero?" (y/n) questions, tilting her head quizzically.

"What was that Ms 4th place?" Bakugo leers as he looks down at her.

"Shut up! Wanna see who's stronger then?" (y/n) declares, jumping up from the couch.

"Gladly," Bakugo smirks, clashing his hands together so explosions occur.

"Oi you two! If you're gonna fight do it somewhere else! We've already had to move agencies 3 times this year and it's only January!!!"

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