Chapter 48: Excited

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Chapter song-

Heartache On The Big Screen-by-5 Seconds of Summer

The A Team-by-Ed Sheeran

Sing-by-Ed Sheeran

Steal My Girl-by-One Direction (I know this isn't out yet, but it the part that says "everybody wants to steal my girl, everybody wants to take her heart away." Goes with the book at this point of time in the book.)



After I get out of the shower I wrap the towel around me.

I walk out of the loo and start my walk to his room so I can get some clothes on.

I bump into him and stumble back from the impact.

He catches my arm before I fall on my bum.

I keep my free hand on the top of the towel to keep it from falling.

"Sorry." He apologizes as he stares me down, practically ripping the towel off of me with his eyes.

I blush a deep shade of red. I thought he was at work or something.

He doesn't let go of my arm but just stands there still staring at me with my arm in his hand.

"Can I change?" I shyly ask.

He let's go of me while nodding, stepping aside so that I can get into his room and get some clothes on.

I close the door.

I change quickly.

I walk out and sit on the couch, still blushing.

"I'm sorry, again." He says as he sits next to me.

"No, it's okay," I shyly tell him, I don't face my head at him all the way, I'm too shy.

He grabs my chin and turns my face in the direction of him.

He leans forward and pecks my lips, he keeps his face inches from mine.

"You're adorable when you blush." He mumbles.

I blush even darker, I didn't know it was possible!

He kisses me again, but longer.



Chase accompanies me in the waiting room at the hospital. My belly has gotten bigger, only a small baby bump, it's noticeable now too, it makes me very nervous of what people will think of me. What if my fans see me? I've left my friends without telling them where I the band hasn't worked on anything did the past few months. I feel guilty for it.

A nurse calls my name. I get up as Chase says he'll wait.

I walk into the room and lay down.

Later a doctor comes in.

"Hello ms Cooper." The doctor says.

"Hi." My voice shakes a bit, showing my nervousness.

"Nervous, eh? No need to be." He says, smiling.

I nod, I wish Chase came in here to help me calm down.

"This may be a bit cold." The doctor warms me as he starts rubbing a kind of lotiony stuff on my small baby bump. It sends a small shiver down my back.

"There should be the baby appearing on that tv over there soon." He says.

I look at the tv thing. The baby suddenly pops up on the screen and my heart jumps.

The doctor starts to explain somethings.

I'm still in the early stage of being pregnant but I get an excited feeling, I can't wait till these 9 months are over with!

3 down, 6 more to go!


I walk over to Chase with a big smile on my face.

"What's up?" He asks.

"I'm just excited about the baby." I tell him.

He smiles back.

A woman walks over to me.

"Congratulations you two." The nice lady says.

"Oh, thank you. But me and him aren't together." I tell her, with my smile still plastered on my face.

"Oh, I apologize." She says.

"No, no, no, it's okay. But yes, I am having a baby in 6 months." I say.

She smiles a sweet smile and walks away.

"Well, she was nice." I smile.

Chase nods. He looks a bit sad?

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"I wish we really were together." He says as he gets into his car. I sit in the passenger seat.

Honestly these past 3 months I've learned that I've been developing some feelings for Chase, but I don't tell him.

"I'm sorry." I apologize. My happiness goes away, now I feel sad.

"No, it's okay." He says as he pulls the car out of the parking space and out the parking spot.


Hey guys! :)

So sorry that this chapter is short and late, but it's all I could think up. Plus it's fair week, and next week I spirit/homecoming week.

Love you lovelies!!!!!!:)

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