Chapter 59: Back Home

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Chapter song-

Moments-by-One Direction



Me and Chase decide to eat out one more time here in Bora Bora before we head back home.

After we finish lunch we reach the air port and board the plane.


I thank Kate as I pick up Ella. I buckle Ella in the backseat of Chase's car and I hop into my seat and we begin the drive back to his house.

"I've missed you!" I say in a funny voice at Ella, causing her to giggle at me. I grin down at her.

"You're weird!" Chase laughs.

I roll my eyes at him.

We arrive at Chase's house...well...our house now.

I get out. Chase decides to bring our bags in himself since I've got Ella.

I pop a bottle of milk into Ella's mouth as I rock us back and fourth on the rocking chair.

After a while of feeding Ella she falls asleep. FINALLY! I'm fucking tired!

My head falls as I am nearly asleep.

"You need you get in bed." Chase says as he lifts my head up.

I nod in response.

I walk into our room and gently and carefully place Ella in her cradle.

I don't bother changing into pjs. I climb under the warm covers while Chase mirrors my actions and pulls me to his chest.


I decide on looking at the news as I am I see Jesse's smiling face to the corner of my eye.

'Don't click on it Louis, you know you'll regret it.' I warn myself but instead of doing that I click on it.

It talks about Jesse getting married to that ass Chase! And how her name is now Jesse Rixton instead of Jesse Cooper for now on. Then it shows a picture of Jesse and Chase's baby! It says her name is Ella.

I don't pay much attention on the baby's features.

I slam my computer shut, not caring if I shattered it.

"What's wrong mate?" Niall asks me as he sits next to me on the couch.

"Jesse got married!" I tell him with no emotion in my voice or on my face.

"I'm sorry Louis." He apologizes.


I stomp outside and sit in a chair. I decide to smoke a cigarette.

This past year I've became a drug and alcohol addict.

If Jesse knew she would hate me even more than she does.

My shaky hand lights the cigarette and I lift it to my lips.

If Jesse was here she would snatch this and stomp on it. She would make me quit my bad habit of smoking and drinking whenever she's not around.

My heart aches. Only a single tear and no more falls down my cheek.

I hear thunder and it starts to rain. I throw the now useless cigarette to the ground.

I wish me and Jesse could be laying down together in my bed, snuggling. I wish it just be to where it was just me and her again!


Hey guys!!

You have no idea how Jesse and Louis will get reunited again!


Love you lovelies!!!!! :)

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