Chapter 47: Where Is She?

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Chapter song-

Stay With Me-by-Sam Smith (This is a perfect song, it describes their relationship, especially from Louis' opinion cause he knows it doesn't really work out, but he still needs her.)

Amnesia-by-5 Seconds of Summer (Awwww! This song too! Louis feels this way.)

All I Need is You-by-Lecrae

(Lol, I don't listen to hip hop but it also goes with Louis' side.)



I slam the hotel room behind me. As I'm walking down the hall I hear her yell something and a small bang against the wall. She threw something. That's not like her.

I huff.

She's been so different since the hospital yesterday.


I walk in the bar with Harry following me. We intend to get drunk to night. Worry has taken over my body, Jesse is worrying me. This is why I need to get drunk. Harry said he won't drink much tonight.

We sit next to each other at the bar. We both order.

After about 5 drinks for me I'm completely drunk. Drunk to where I feel numb.

"Another!" I slur to the bartender.

"No! Louis, you've drank enough. I'm getting worried." Harry says.

"Get me a da-amn beer!" I slur along with a hiccup.

"No, Louis we need to get you back to the hotel." He says as he grabs my arm and drags me out.

I arrive in front of the door of my hotel room with Harry behind me. We walk in.

I walk around angrily, looking for Jesse but I never find her. Even in the drunk state I'm in I notice that her belongings aren't here anymore!

I start to panic.

"WERE IS SHE?!" I yell.

"What do you mean?" Harry calmly asks.

"JESSE! SHE'S GONE!" I yell again.

"Do you mean gone as in ran away or went to a store gone?" He dumbly questions.

"RAN AWAY!" I angrily yell at him.

I tug at my hair as I try to calm down. I pace back and forth with Harry watching me.

"Calm down, just call her." He suggests.

I don't answer so he gets his phone out and dials her number.

She doesn't pick up.

"Hey Jesse, this is Harry. Louis is seriously freaking out about you being gone. Please call back or he might murder me." He jokes a bit at the last part and laughs and hangs up. I glare at him.


"I don't think I can do this." I panic.

"Louis, you'll be fine." Zayn says.

"Not without me knowing where Jesse is." I tell him.

I get up from the chair and follow them to the stage.

The crowd roars.

I try my best to smile but I can't find it in me to smile.

The crowd gets a bit quieter. The fans all have confused and worried looks on their faces.

"WHATS WRONG LOUIS?!?!" Yells a fan.

I shake my head.

"I'm fine." I lie. I can tell that they know in lying. During concerts I usually smile and do a bunch of goofy stuff.



It's been a week since I left.

Chase has been a great host. He's so sweat.

"You doing okay?" He asks from behind me.

"Yes, thanks. Why you asking?" I ask him.

"Well you are pregnant. Plus I care about you." He says with a wink. Flirt! I playfully roll my eyes with a smile on my face.

I turn my attention back to the tv in front of me.

He sits next to me. After a while of watching tv he eventually wraps his arm around me and pulls me in.

"Chase-" he cuts me off.

"Jesse. It's nothing. Calm down. I do love you and you know that but you love me only in a friend way, unlike me. I'm sorry." He apologizes.

"It's okay. I'm not with Louis anymore, obviously. But I'm just not ready for another relationship at the moment." I say softly.

"I know. I can wait." He says, keeping me close.

I quickly fall asleep, my head resting on Chase's chest.


I wake up with Chase holding me even closer than when I fell asleep.

He's still asleep. I shake him awake.

"I need to-" I get cut off from his lips hitting mine. Huh?

I don't know why but I kiss back. This is one of my friends. I'm still stuck on missing Louis. But he is a good distraction from missing Louis I guess.

He pulls away.

He gets up and walks into the  kitchen and starts to cook breakfast, I guess.

I'm so confused now. Oh no! I hate being confused! Remember the last time?!



"Jesse, I need you!" Louis panics as his tears spill.

"I'm sorry. I just can't, one, we always fight and it's getting tiring, two, you'll get mad at me if I tell you." I tell him softly.

"Please! I swear I wont get mad, I'll change for you!" He cries.

"I'll change!" He quietly mumbles to himself.

He looks so broken, so vulnerable. It makes me feel so angry at myself along with guilt.

"I'm so sorry Louis." I say as a silent tear rolls down my cheek.


I shoot up form my sleep and start crying with sobs leave my mouth.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Chase asks with concern.

"I miss him!" I cry.

I will never be able to 'unlove' Louis.

He sits next to me and holds me close and tries to calm me.

"Shhhhh, it's okay." He whispers.

Eventually he calms me down but my crying left me some hiccups.

He rubs circles on my back.

I fall back asleep.


Heyyyyyyy guyyyyyyys!

Hope this was a good chapter!

Love you lovelies! :)

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