Chapter 51: I'm Sorry

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Chapter song-



As I walk out on the streets a crowd of reporters surround me.

"Is it true you're pregnant?" Asks one of them.

"I-" I get cut off by another.

"Who's the guy? Are you secretly married?" Asks the other.

I try to get out from the crowd but they won't let me!

"Answer our questions first please!" Someone asks.

"OKAY!" I yell, quieting the crowd down, I will do anything to get out of this annoying and stressing crowd.

"The truth is, yes, I am pregnant.....No I'm not married or engaged.....I can't tell you who the father is." I tell them as my nerves are shot.

I was going to meet Katey at her work from her house. Yes, I slept over.

They still won't let me through!

After a while of trying to escape I hear a fainted voice.

"MOVE! LET HER GO!" The voice yells, it kind of sounds like Chase.

He finally finds me and drags me out of the crowd. He sets me in his car.

"You okay?" He asks.

I turn my attention out the window and watch the things pass by, ignoring him.

My heart races as I remember what he did to me last night.

"Jesse!" He calls.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"You!" I angrily mumble.

"What'd I do?" He asks.

"Just drop me off at the Peir Theatre." I tell him.

"No! Not until you tell me what I did!" He says.

I huff, "you were drunk. You beat me up last night." I tell him, with hurt clear in my voice.

"I'm sorry Jesse." He says.

"You're an abu-bussive drunk." My voice cracks in mid sentence.

He pulls over in an abandoned parking lot.

He gets out and walks to my side.

He opens my door and takes me out of the car.

He hugs me. "I'm sorry. I just started to drink because I'm....I'm ...... I just I love you." He scrambles for words nervously.

It takes me a while, "it's okay." I say as my emotions show, causing me to start crying.

"I love you too." I tell him, meaning it. This might be going too fast but it's true I do love him.

"Can I take you back home?" He asks.

I nod.

I've never told Louis it was okay as fast as I did to Chase once he made a mistake. But Louis did make more mistakes and some were BIG.


*2 MONTHS LATER! (6 months into pregnancy)*

I place my hand gently on my big baby bump and feel the baby kicking. Today I'm going in to see how the baby is doing and if it'll be a girl or a boy.

I'm so excited, yet nervous.

Chase gently helps me out of his car and inside.

He's not drank any alcohol too. We started dating not long ago too. About 1 month ago.

After a while of waiting I walk along side with a nurse and Chase.


The doctor puts the gel on my baby bump, causing shivers to go down my spine from the cold gel.

Chase holds my hand.

The screen turns on, along with the baby on it.

"Well, the baby is a she....and she's healthy so far." The doctor says with a smile.

After a while of watching in awe at the screen he wipes the gel off.

Chase helps me up. It's getting harder with this giant pumpkin belly to get up from laying down or sitting.

"Remember to eat as healthy as you can." The doctor reminds me.

I nod in response.

Chase decides to take a walk with me through the park next to the hospital.

We walk hand in hand on the sidewalk through the park. I get tired.

"Can I take a break?" I ask.

"Of course." He says as he helps me sit down.

"I'm sorry that you have to help me sit or lay down and get up." I apologize.

"It's fine." He says as he wraps his arm around me, and pulls me in.

He kisses the top of my head.

I fall asleep with my head on his chest.


"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH HER?!" I hear some guy yell.


They wake me up.

I open my eyes to see Louis and Chase frowning at each other.

"Louis?" The breathe gets nocked out of me from the surprise in front of me.

My heart starts to accelerating from the nervous feeling, he knows that I'm pregnant, I'm too far for anyone not to notice.

My hands start shaking.

Louis turns around to face me.


He thinks I'm pregnant with Chase?

I'm still not going to tell Louis that it's his and I plead at Chase to not tell him too with my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I cry.

Louis looks up at Chase with angry eyes. "How dare you touch MY girl!" He emphasizes the word 'my'.

Chase is taller than Louis.

Louis throws the first punch at Chase. They start the fist fight.

I try my best to get up and tear them apart without getting injured.

"Please stop!" I cry.

Louis walks off. I see something fall, something from his face. A tear.

I catch up to him and grab his arm.

"Why would you date him?!" He grumbles under his breathe.

"Because you and I were over and I've fallen in love with Chase. Louis, I'm sorry." I tell him, lying to get him to go away.

He rips his arm from my hands and stomps away to his rental car. I hadn't known that I was crying until Chase wipes a tear from my cheeks with his thumb.

More tears fall and he pulls me closer. He pecks the top of my head. I peek out over the side of his arm and see Louis driving away, he rolls down the window and flips us off.

I rest my head on Chase's chest, sniffling.

"Can we go home?" I ask.

"It's cold." I add.

He nods and snakes his arm around my waist, guiding me to the car.


Hey guys!!!!!

Hope this chapter as great! Sorry if you guys are like 'NO DONT DATE CHASE, DATE LOU BEAR!' But this is how the fanfic is right now.

Love you lovelies! :)

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