Chapter 90: Pregnancy Photography

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Chapter song-

Shout About It-by-The Vamps



The pain finally stops hurting. I let out a relieved sigh. I grab the food Louis brought me earlier.

I eat all of it. Dang, I was starving!

I walk downstairs, keeping a hand on my baby bump and my other hand holding the rail.
I see the back of Louis' head.
I sit next to him on he couch.

"You finished abusing me?" He jokes.

"Shut up! I couldn't help that!" I scowl at him.

He chuckles.

"Earlier I called a photographer and he said the earliest he can take pictures is three days from now, is that fine?" Louis asks.

"Yay! Yes." I say excitedly as I hug him.

He laughs as he hugs me back.


The photographer walks up to both me, Ella, and Louis.

He shakes both me and Louis' hands.

"So how are you two?" He asks in his American accent.

"We're doing great man." Louis answers.

"So how far are you?" He asks me.

"9 months next week." I answer.

"Congratulations." He smiles at me and Louis.

"My daughter is a big fan of you both." He mentions. Me and Louis both smile.

"Okay, well let's get to the pictures." He says.

I lift my shirt over my head, revealing my black bra. Louis decided he's going to wear a black shirt for the pictures.
I pull my hair up into a ponytail.

I stand in front of a window. Louis stands behind me.

He wraps his arms around me.


I wrap my arms around her. I rest my head atop of hers.
I do my signature crazy smile, smiling big, showing my teeth.

One the seconds pic I do my signature funny face, crossing both my eyes and smiling widely.

One the third photo I smile normally.

I grab the hem of my shirt and lift it over my head.

I get down on my knees in front of Jesse. I grab both sides of her belly and rest my puckered lips on her baby bump for the next picture.

I get on my knees next to her. I make my surprised looking face and point at the baby bump. She laughs as the photographer snaps the picture.

The next picture I peck her lips with one of my hands at the small of her back and my other hand rests on the side of her baby bump.

The next picture I stand behind her again. I rest both of my hands on her baby bump once again. I kiss her neck.

Then next one Ella pecks Jesse's belly, like I did.

The next one I hold Ella, balancing her on my hip and my free arm is wrapped around Jesse. Then our last photograph is of me and Jesse kissing each other.

"That's a wrap." The photographer calls, signaling that was all of our pictures that we're taking.

Jesse pulls her baggy shirt on again.

I pic up Ella.

"Thanks again. When will we get the pictures?" I ask.

"In a month." He answers. I thank him once more and we leave.


Me and Jesse decide to take Ella to go see a movie. The Box Trolls.

The whole time through the movie Ella laughs.

After the movie we get back home. We walk in and I see that my mum is home. I hug her.
She walks over to Jesse.

Ella snores while I hold her. I walk upstairs. She's been sleeping with Lottie in her room. I walk into Lottie's room, seeing her asleep. I tuck Ella under the covers next to my sleeping sister.

I peck Ella on her forehead.


Jay walks over to me and hugs me. "How are you and the baby?" She asks.

"We're fine." I grin at my loving mother-in-law.

"Great. May I?" She asks to feel my baby bump. I nod, giving her approval.

I lift my shirt up just under my bra. Jay places her hand on my baby bump.

"Well she or he sure is ready to come out!" She laughs as she pulls away.

"Yeah, I can't wait!" I say excitedly as Louis walks back into the same room as us.

"How did the photography go?" She asks.

"It was fun," I answer.

"Well great! I'm going to go lay down, I'm drained." She yawns, making her way into her room.
I feel sleepy as well.

Louis follows behind me upstairs.

Before we get in the bed and sleep he places both of his hands on both sides if my face, sweetly kissing me before he strips down to his boxers. I change into comfortable pjs.
We fall asleep next to each other.


Hey guys!!!!! :3

Hope this is a cute chapter! :)

Love you lovelies!!!!! :D

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