Chapter 3: Thanks for saving me

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It's been 3 months after her death.  I was the only one at her funeral, which is really fucked up that no one else showed up. Ever sense her death, I don't really talk much anymore, and I went into deep depression. I spent the rest of my nights missing my mother. Of course the bullying, and the constant abuse from Dean is worse. Not to mention that the night after Mom's death he got drunk, and started beating me, and knocked me out with the beer bottle. He's gotten stronger sense then, so I can't really defend myself.

Today after school, I left a little early from school, my stomach was bothering me too much, so I decided to just ditch. Two familiar juniors started following me. I pretended that I didn't notice them and flip my hood of my Whitechapel jacket over my cold black hair. I began picking up the pace, and followed suit.  I picked up some more of my pace, and agaim they did the same.

I'm always someones fucking target to tease and rough up!

I eventually sprinted off running. I ran as fast as my legs would let me, and they chased behind, Just as I ran into the street, a black benz screeched its tires as it tries to halt in front of me. I froze and the two guys surrounded me, one of them grabbing me by my jacket. I could hear the stranger in the car getting out.

"Hey! Leave her alone!"

The jocks looked over and laughed, I couldn't see who the stranger was, but the sound of his voice sounded strangely familiar, it was a young guy.


They finally let me go and ran, I fixed my jacket and looked over at the stranger, and froze. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Chris Cerulli from Motionless in White was standing two feet from me! Motionless in White is my favorite band, so I freaked out inside. He looked at me with a concerned look.

"Hey, you okay?"

I nodded.

"Did they hurt you?"

I shook my head.

" I can't trust you being alone, look, I know we don't each other, but if you need a ride home, I'll take you"

"I know who you are..."

"You do?"

He raised an eyebrow, oh his perfect eyebrows are always...perfect! I just nodded my head in response to his question.

"You're Chris Motionless from MIW...I'm a huge fan, but I'm not gonna freak or ask you for anything because I know that must be really annoying..."

He just laughed dryly, shaking his head.

"And you are?"

"oh, sorry. Im Elizabeth...Elizabeth Mackey,"

"Well, Elizabeth, it looks like it's going to rain, so hop in and show me the way home," he said with a friendly smile.

He opened the door and waited patiently for me to get in, I hesitantly walked towards his car and slowly got in, he closed the door and got in, and drove away.

"T-Thanks for saving me, if it weren't for you, I would've gotten another ass whooping,"

He raised an eyebrow.


"I'm the outcast at school, the "emo gothic chick"  that everyone loves picking on. I'm the main target. Have been sense freshman year."

"That's fucking terrible I'm sorry, do you tell anyone, like your mom or dad?"

I looked down and looked at my pale hands.

"My mother passed away three months ago, and my father left us when I was twelve. I only live with my stepfather and he's a prick,"

He's expression tightened up.

"Maybe if you talk to the teachers or school coun-"

"Tried it, I'll still get beaten up for being a snitch,"

He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.

"And no, I don't have any friends, not one, turn here"


The rest of the drive was quiet, except when I tell him where to turn. When we finally got to my house, I noticed that Dean's truck was gone, I was relieved.

"Well, it was great meeting you, thanks for dropping me off,"

As I open the door to leave, Chris's cold hand lightly gripped my hand.

" band's performing tonight, and I'd like for you to come. You sound like you have a lot going on, and I think that maybe our show would keep your mind off of things.  You can even meet the band."

I faintly smiled, I couldn't believe that Chris was asking me to come see their show, I couldn't even believe that I was even in his car.

"I would love to but I don't have any money to come,"

"it's on me,"


"yeah! I'll send the tickets and backstage passes here, our show starts at 8, and the directions will be on the tickets so you won't get lost,"

"oh my gosh! That'd be great!" I exclaimed happily.

"So, you'll come?"


"Alright, see ya tonight, remember to do your homework!" He teased.

We both laughed as I got out the car, I watched him drive away, I couldn't believe that happened. I headed in the house, and watched tv for a little bit, then did my homework. By the time it was 7:30, I checked the mailbox, and there they were. The ticket and backstage pass. I held them close to my chest and smiled to myself and ran in the house to get ready. I hopped in the shower and washed my hair, then I did my make up and changed into some black skinny jeans, converses, and a Motionless in White t-shirt. I put on a bunch of bracelets to cover my cuts, and flat ironed my hair. I put the ticket in my pocket and the pass necklace around my neck, I was super excited when I left the house, I basically ran to the arena, when I gave the ticket salesman my ticket I was escorted to the front flooring, then that's when the screaming start.

As soon as Chris started singing "Immaculate Misconception" the whole band started playing.

This night is going to be awesome.

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