February 5

196 20 2

These characters have been mean to me, sorry for the delayed post! 

I was too stubborn to call Thaddeus after our argument, and the same could be said for him. Not once did I hear the "Frosty the Snowman" ringtone in the time in the four days since I had been out of the hospital. Kat was right to warn me, though; little Elizabeth would randomly cry at all hours of the night, and there was not a single night when all three of us received a full night's rest. The only one who seemed to be able to sleep through it all was Chelise, who had been overjoyed to see me when we were finally reunited. I felt like I was reconnected with a piece of myself when I wrapped my arms around her neck for the first time. She whined excitedly, wagging her tail so forcefully her entire backend moved back and forth. I helped Joe and Kat as much as they would allow me to do, but they restricted my movement so much, I thought I was going to go mad. Especially Joe. He had always been a worry wart, but now actually living with him and Kat...it only made it all worse. I also did not like what they ate, and they had different routines than I was accustomed to. Not only that, they would not let me work on anything related to Andino Incorporated. All I could do was lie on the couch in their living room and listen to audiobooks or Betha's crying, which frequently gave me headaches. I tried not to complain. I tried so hard, but it was extremely irritating, and there were many times when my temper snapped like a dry twig.

I had on noise-canceling headphones to try to focus on my audiobook, lying on my side on the Montrans' couch with my eyes closed. I had no idea how long I had been lying there, just that I had started and finished five chapters of this novel without getting up once. I was bored and tired of everyone treating me that I was as fragile as thin ice. I thought Joe and Kat would be better than Thaddeus, but they were worse. I was not about to stay with him, though. Not until he apologized for insulting me. I wanted to go home. I would be perfectly fine taking care of myself, if only these people would let me do so. But no one would. Instead, they were absolutely suffocating me. It felt like they were tightening a noose around my neck when I was awake, and Marcus was strangling me in my sleep.

A hand touched my ankle, startling me enough to cause me to try to bring my knees up to my chest. There was a body in the way, however, so I only managed to whack my thighs into Joe's side before I stretched my legs back straight. I ripped the headphones off my ears and swore.

"Why did you do that?"

"Is there another method you would suggest for me getting your attention?" Joe's tone was clipped. Neither of us was in a good mood; this discussion was not going to end positively, I could already tell.

"Saying my name, maybe?"

"You think you could've heard me?"


"Sure." I could hear the disbelief in his voice. "Listen, Kat just wanted me to check on you to ensure you'd taken your pain meds."

"I hate those things; they make me feel funny."

"So you'd rather be in pain?"

I squirmed, my aching ribs immediately protesting and causing me to grimace. "I've been through worse."


"I don't like them, so why should I take them?"

"You're taking them." Joe stood up. I heard him walk to the kitchen, where he opened a bottle and dropped a couple of the pills into his hand.

"I don't need you to come home to ensure I take my medicine. I'm not a child."

"You yourself said you wouldn't take them otherwise. Now. Do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?"

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