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Soft lights lit the streets as he walked through the night.

Moonshining above the scenery below

No one was awake, all of the villagers had just fallen into a deep slumber

The male walked through the dark forest, having the moon as the only source of light

Skipping his way across the river, staining his dark trousers with the cold water

He sat on a huge branch as the birds flew over to him, circling him as he was their owner. Landing on his shoulders, head, and thigh waiting for him to give them their treat.

The male giggled at the sight as he gave up to keep his posture and gave the birds bread crumbs. Putting it gently on the brown soil, being careful not to scare the little birds around him.

He enjoyed the sight in front of him very much, giving the animals food, seeing them eat, just the sight of them made his own starvation disappear in an instant.

Making his way deeper to the forest, holding his basket, making sure that he didn't step on any of the little critters. Being gently and careful as he uses to be. He soon arrived at his destination, waking near to the edge of the lake.

This was his hideout. A place where he comes, just to be alone, away from his strict studies, away from his bratty sister.

The boy sat on one big rock as the birds soon joined him as well as the other little critters. Sitting patiently as he stared at the calm steady water. The view in front of him never disappoints him. The beautiful mysterious cave, hovering above the calm, steady, clear water.

Every reflection was easily made from the water as he stared himself through the water. But it cut off as the fishes in the water jumped out from the water, catching his attention, driving him away from his negative thoughts. The creatures in the forest know him the best. As if like his had this special connection with all the living things in here.

Of course, he didn't come to the lake just for staring at himself. This was the last corner of the forest and the home of his last little critters but sadly they didn't come. The male looked around, a scared expression appeared on his face as he searched for his last critters.

The animals noticed this and sound scattered around the forest. Time passes but his little friends didn't show up, he still has high hopes for his last little friends but still no sign of them. He suddenly felt a small tap on his shoes as he crouched down to be closer to the one who tapped him. The squirrel nudges him by the hand taking him to the other side of the forest.

The male followed the squirrel as it led him deeper to the darker part of the forest. The little creature soon stops in front of one pile of leaves. The male crouched again as he then removes the leaves, revealing snow white feathers below it.

His eyes widen in shock as the last little critters that he waited for so long that night had passed away several days ago. Tears flowing out from his eyes as he gathered the feathers putting it inside his basket, making his way back to the lake.

❁ ❁ ❁

One by one, he placed each feather on the clear lake. Letting it scattered around the lake, building the last reminder of the creatures that lived there. Letting the last feather falls to the clear water as well as his tears joining the clear water.

The creatures stayed with him through the night. The birds hovering him, chirping sweetly, trying to calm their human friend. The squirrel nuzzled in his crooked neck, letting him know the same sadness they are experiencing.

He soon calmed down and made a soft smiled. Letting himself know that his friends are happy in another life.

He turned to the creatures around him as he showed them his soft smile. Reassuring them by stroking each of their body softly.

Standing up slowly as he made his way towards his home.

The critters followed him as he arrived at the front gate of his home town.  He waved back for the last time that day before entering his village.

The critters watched the male's back disappear to the darkness of the village. They're face wrinkled in worried as if they know something's wrong is going to happen.

They weren't wrong when something was going to happen

From afar, near the spot where the feathers were found. Deeper into the darker part of the forest could be seen a dirty and unfriendly swamp where a large black mansion stands.

Two ravens watched the male from the beginning, seeing every move that the poor boy made until he went home.

The male raven smiled to himself as he saw the human boy as an easy threat to his kingdom empire.

"Soon we'll meet young boy."


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