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It hurts

It hurts so bad

Why does it hurts so much?

Renjun laid on the bed as if he was a dead corpse. Not moving at all. He stayed up through the night, crying. Even though he just met the two princes but it seems that they both gave him a really deep effect on Renjun.

The blond turned his head to the side, revealing his red puffy eyes to the moon light. His eyes were sore after all the crying, eyes still watery as the thought still stuck in mind.

His rubbed his red-runny nose with tissues as he started to bawl again. He didn't even bother replying to his mother when she called him for dinner. He stayed there, frozen not wanting to move an inch of his body.

He closed his watery only to opened them again by the sound of knocking by the window. He looked outside to see his blue-feathered friend.

He smiled softly before getting up and opened the door, letting the critter enter the room. Taking the spot on his shoulder, the little blue bird let out a quiet tweet to the human.

He smiled at his little friend, turning back to the starry night above him. He admired the scenery for a good amount of time before an idea popped up into his head.

He immediately got up from his spot, grabbed his cloak and went out from his room with his little blue friend following him from behind.

Slowly making his way down the wooden stairs, taking tiny steps as he tried to not make sound. He successfully got to the living room quietly as he walked slowly towards the door. He grabbed the house keys and opened the door.

As he was opening the door, it made a loud creaking noise. The blond boy flinched at the sound, looking around to see if anyone's awake but he saw no one. He sighed as he walked out from the house.

❁ ❁ ❁

The blond boy walked through the dark forest. Walking slowly as he admired the living creatures around. He walked towards his favorite place in the forest, the lake. He sat down in the pile of flowers as the critters in the forest gather around him. He chuckled when one little squirrel jumped on to his shoulder but instantly fell to the pile of flowers.

He picked up the squirrel, placing it gently on his shoulder before nudging its tiny nose. He smiled at the critters around him, it made him feel relaxed. Forgetting what had happened in the morning, he was focused more on the critters now.

They all were having the time of a lifetime before suddenly one of the critters let a high pitched shriek enough for Renjun to hear. He faced the squirrel which had shrieked, but the squirrel ran away. Turning his head to the rest of the critters, he saw the panic in their movement.

The birds tweeting nonstop, the noses of the rabbits kept on twitching, the furs of the squirrel's tails tensed up and many more. He looked around to see if someone is targeting them but no one was there.

While he was trying to calm the critters down, a thick black fog suddenly started to surround them. Renjun accidentally inhaled the fog which made him dizzy. He tried to keep his eyes open but the fog wasn't letting him. He blinked slowly as he saw the critters ran away for safety.

He closed his eyes after seeing all the critters ran, all he cared now was them. Nothing else mattered to him. The blond boy instantly passed out right there. Laying on the flowers, his breathing softens as he fell into a deep slumber.

As soon as the fog cleared away, three figures appeared from behind the trees. The male smiling at the sight of the sleeping male as for the two girls, they glared darkly at him.

"Father, why are you smiling? This boy is a threat to us. Did you forget father?"
The eldest of the girls said as she walked closer to her father. He turned to his eldest, the smile still plastered on his face. "Of course I didn't my little raven. I just thought of a new plan."

The two girls raised an eyebrow, they looked to each other before turning back to their father. "A new plan?" " What is it father?" They both said completing each other sentences. The  father grinned darkly as he walked closer to the sleeping male near the lake.

He stroked the male's blond hair before pulling his hands away. A thin black aura gather around him as his eyes turned into crimson colored. He mumbled a few words as the sleeping boy's body started to lift up, black and red colored aura started to surround the boy, like a shining star in the sky, Renjun's body lit up in an incredible light, blinding the eyes of the ones around him.

As soon as the light faded, their eyes are all focused on the missing boy. Renjun's body was nowhere to be found, he vanished it an instant. The two girls smirked at the sight, "So that's your new plan father?" " Making the boy disappear. I like it."

"This wasn't what I expected but I guess it worked." The father chuckled as he saw the boy nowhere to be found. The girls soon joined him, leaving the dark forest in sorrow as the critters around were whimpering when they saw their human friend disappeared.

Little did they know, the father's spell didn't worked perfectly. Instead of having the village boy disappear from existence, they got something else.

The lake which was under a crystal cave was very steady and clear. So clear that it reflected sight of crystals which are hovering underneath the cave.

Inside the cave, could be seen something floating on the lake. Slowly crossing the clear lake, grabbing the attention of all the critters around. The new creature slowly made its way to the dry land, head buried to its back, sleeping quietly as its feathers covered the whole head.

From afar,  the critters could only admire the beauty of the new creature on the lake. The feathers of its wings were as white as snow in the winter, the tip of the feathers could be seen a yellow ombré colored. Elegantly floating above the quiet water, the new creature stayed silent as the moon kept on shining above it.

It may be new to the forest but it sure was one of the most beautiful creatures that mankind will ever see on this earth.


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