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Bear with me guys. I'm trying to update as many as I could but school is holding me back.

Plus, this story plot is going out from the Swan Lake original but who cares.


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"Nana~ talk to me!"

Jaemin groaned as he buried his head into a pillow. The girl kept on annoyingly calling his name as Jaemin tried to push her away. She then stopped for a moment, pouting slightly as she tried to think of something.

"Yah! Nana, are you mad at me?" Jaemin rolled his eyes internally.

You think?

Instead of giving her a cold answer, he stayed silent. She whined as she laid on his back, startling him.

"Nana, Tell What did I do wrong? I only want you to love me."

By torturing me with this fake heterosexual relationship? I don't think so.

"Come on~ talk to me."

"You know what I'm getting fresh air," Jaemin said as he sat up and walked out the room. The atmosphere around the room was already too uncomfortable for him. He went straight down the stairs, ignoring the high pitch calling from behind.

As he made his way down the stairs, his shoulder bump into someone, making him stumble in his tracks. "Sorry,"
He said shortly after giving a bow as he soon dashed away towards the palace's door.

Inhaling the fresh air around him, he quickly calmed himself down. Ever since the girls came to the palace, he felt that his life turned for the worse.

Renjun ran away from his birthday ball, cutting ties with them.

Johnny and Yuta disappeared.

Both Jaemin and Jeno weren't able to go out of the palace because of the girls who kept holding them back.

And now Taeyong has disappeared to god knows where.

Jaemin grabbed a fistful of his pink locks as he shouted in frustration. He tried to hold back his tears but he couldn't help but let several of it roll down from his eyes.

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