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He walked slowly, dragging his limping body.

The dozens of impact from the ruler made bruises all over his pale white body making him harder to move.

The weather certainly didn't help as the rain continue to pour its anger out to the village

The boy made his way home as he continued to drag his body. Holding the books for the library in his chest not wanting them to get wet.

As he arrived at his doorstep, he turned the doorknob, hoping it will open but it didn't. He forgot that his mother was working late tonight and his sister is the only person inside. He sigh, knowing his sister locked him out on purpose. He sat on the his doorstep hoping for the rain to stop. But sadly Mother Nature wasn't at its best mood as the rain continued to pour out its anger.

He leaned his back to the door as he heard muffled laughs inside the house. His sister was having a sleepover party.

What a child.

He thought as he looked up to the Grey sky. Not knowing how to kill his time out in the rain the boy just sat there, not even caring anymore about getting sick the next day.

He thought about it, maybe it isn't so bad to get sick. He can skip one class for tomorrow if he get sick. He smiled to himself the thought of having to rest in his bed not killing his ass off to study that stupid math equations.

❁ ❁ ❁

Somewhere near the outer parts of the village, Two horse walked through the heavy rain with their owner riding them calmly.

Not wanting to slip and fell the two owner decide just to walk through it.

Covering themself with their hoods as they calmly walked to the entrance of the village. As they expected the village was quiet only the sound of the heavy rain could be heard. The two figures look around the village, making sure every villagers sleep peacefully despite the weather being unfriendly.

They kept on walking until one of them stopped their horse in front of one house. Seeing a figure outside the house doorstep, sleeping peacefully as the rain poured all over him.

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