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Happiness filled the blond's heart, thumping loudly.

Beating fast as if it was going to jump out from his heart

He couldn't help but smile, memories of the two princes kept on lingering in his head.

❁ ❁ ❁

Jeno went back home only to be greeted by a certain pink-haired leaning against the castle door. Smiling widely at Jeno as he returned the gesture by glaring. "What the hell? I greeted you and that's your response?"

"Well, If you didn't leave me in the river, I would have responded differently." Jeno snarled at the younger prince. Jaemin rolled his eyes in annoyance not wanting to continue the argument. "Okay, I'm sorry. Sorry for leaving you there and for leaving you in the forest alone." Jaemin said opening the door, letting Jeno in first before following the white-haired. "I wasn't alone, a certain princess was there," Jeno said as he smirked when he looked at the frown on his friend's face. "You were with Renjun?"

"Yeah, I was. He was sick but he insisted on staying there." Jeno said looking straight to his friends' brown eyes. "I met him there too and did the same thing."

They stayed quiet for a few minutes before Jeno decided to break the silence between them. "Jaemin..." The pink-haired hummed in response, eyes still locked on each other. "Can I ask you a question?" Jaemin nodded slowly, "What is it Jeno?" Jaemin said his heart beating loudly after noticing the white-haired had gotten closer to him in distance,

Jeno looked at the pink prince, not realizing the beautiful features his best friends' have had since they first met. Scanning the younger's face, memorizing every single feature including the littlest details. Jaemin's cheeks flushed in red as Jeno put his large hand on his cheeks. "Jeno..." The pink-haired mumbled under his breath.

"Jaemin-ah, what is this feeling I kept on having whenever I'm with Renjun?" The older said in low voice, breaking the pink prince's fragile heart but soon recovered after the white-haired continued "And now I'm feeling it with you..."

Jaemin's heart started to beat at a fast pace as Jeno placed his hand on the younger cheeks, pulling him closer remaining several inches of gap between them.

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