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"A ball?"

Renjun nodded repeatedly with a smile plastered on his face. Jeno raised a brow in confusion, crossing his arms. "You want me to throw another ball?"

Renjun nodded again, leaning forward to the prince. "Why?" Jeno asked. "Because we need something to lure the old man out from his mansion."

"And throwing a ball will make him come?"

"His daughters are there right?"

Jeno nodded, sighing he hugged the shorter male. "Fine I'll do it. But only if you come with me." Jeno demanded, Renjun nodded and hugged him back. "Good, then we'll leave in an hour."

"what?! That desperate?"

"No, I'm just worried for Nana back there."

Renjun puffed out his cheeks as he followed the prince from behind. Getting all the things he needed, Renjun gather his friends and reviewing the plan again. After they're done, Renjun said his goodbyes and went with Jeno back to the palace.

Jeno stood beside his horse as Renjun stood in front of him. "What are you waiting for?" Renjun asked, glancing from side to side. "You, get on." Jeno said, pulling Renjun to get on the horse. "i can't the horse is too tall!"

"Just admit you're short."

Renjun pouted as he let in right leg go over the horse, managing himself to seat on the leather saddle. "See? Not that hard."

"Fuck off."

"Bad boy."

Renjun blushed, putting on the hood of his cloak, hiding the red shade from his cheeks. Jeno chuckled as he pulled the horse out from the woods.

"Renjunie, "

Jeno called as he received nothing but a hum. "Do you love me?" Jeno asked, getting Renjun who was completely off guard. "W-what do you mean?"

"Do you love me?"

Renjun felt his cheeks heat up even more as slowly nodded, saying 'yes' softly. "What was that?" Jeno smirked, looking back at the flustered male. "Y-yes, now shut up!"

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