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"Fasten your pace, Jisung!"

Mark said as he ran up the hill and towards the dam.

"I'm trying hyung, these legs aren't made for running." Jisung complained before focused back on catching with the older. Mark rolled his eyes when his eyes finally saw their village dam.

"We're almost there Jisung! Come on." Jisung groaned before managing to ran ahead of the older and towards the dam first. Going up the wooden steps and towards the dam's lever. Mark huffed his breath, putting his hands around the lever.

"Do you trust me Jisung?"


"Do you trust me?" Mark repeated, the grip tightens around the lever. Jisung nodded before putting his hands on top of the elder's

"Let's just hope the villager trust me as well."

They both didn't waste any time as they put all their might to pull the lever letting the huge waves of water run down towards the burning village.

❁ ❁ ❁

Soft and quiet sobbing could be heard as the pack of friends cried, their watery eyes were locked towards the three unconscious males.

"Renjun-ge... Please wake up..." Chenle's voice said as he shook Renjun's small legs.

"Please wake up ge."

The green-haired cried as he then buried his face on to the brunette's shoulder. Rubbing the younger slowly, Haechan sighed as his watery eyes failed to maintain the sadness within him.

"Don't leave us now Renjun. You know we had big plans together." he mumbled as another tear dropped to the ground. That's when he suddenly felt the ground grumbled slowly.

The rest followed as they looked around, "An earthquake?" Hendery said, standing up.

"I don't think so, look." Johnny said pointing to the water flowing down towards the ground.

"Don't tell me-"

Yuta stopped himself as water started flowing down, extinguishing the blazing fire around them.

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