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Every since yesterday, Johnny and Yuta became closer with the younger's. After Renjun telling all the hard time they have been through together, the elders couldn't help but felt touch. Making them to miss their other half in the palace.

While Johnny and Yuta were busy helping the youngers, in the palace Ten and Winwin were currently freaking out.

"What the hell?! How?!" Ten shouted after coming back from the stable. Taeyong shook his head, "I don't know but I know it's something to do with that man."

"Damn it! Can I kill the girls now?!! Their father made my boyfriend disappear!" Ten shouted tears started to roll from his eyes.

He broke down and fall to the table, putting his arms around his face, sobbing loudly. " I can't believe it. Johnny is gone."

"we don't know that for sure Ten." Taeyong said, reassurin the male. "What proof do you have that made you think they are still alive?!"

Taeyong flinched when Ten shouted at him. Ten rarely broke down like this but when it comes to Johnny, Ten was ready to fight or even kill anyone for him. Johnny was everything for Ten.

The older saved Ten from getting raped by a drunk man in the middle of the night. It was lucky that it was Johnny who is patrolling that night. Any other guard would just neglect him or join in.

The world is a mess u place, that's why you need someone to be there for you. To help you during your time of suffering and happiness.

Taeyong sighed and hugged the smaller male. "I'm sorry for all of this. It's my fault for sending him."

Ten shook his head, "If this means Johnny is in a better place right now, then I'm happy for him."

Taeyong gave the latter a weak smile. Ten kept his head buried into the prince's chest. "You're a strong one Ten I know you do. So stay positive okay?" ten just nodded. Taeyong chuckled as he stroked the younger's hair.

" what did I do to deserve you as my best friend?" Ten mumbled into Taeyong's chest.

"Do we even need a reason for that?"

Renjun was washing Haechan's shirt because it fell to a pool of mud. Renjun being the kind boy he is, offered to wash it.

He was too busy to even realize that someone was watching him from above. A black raven was flying in circles above him, watching every single move and finding the right moment to strike.

Renjun wiped the sweats trickling down his neck before continuing to wash the mud stain.

Just when he thought his hard was finished, he heard a cracking noise behind him. He turned his head to see no one around. Shrugging it off he stood up and went back to his group of friends.

As he was walking towards his friends he heard another cracking noise. Turning around, he looked around more. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

Not receiving any response, he decided to shrug it off again. He arrived at his friends with a worried look plastered on his face. Giving the shirt back to Haechan, he then walked towards his usual spot. The lake.

He sat down as he let his head lean against the rock beside him. Raising his hands in front of him, his fingers moved slowly as golden auras lingered around his hand.

He stared down at the squished flowers next to him and moved his hands on top of it. Giving full hope and life to his power, the flowers slowly bloomed up as the aura circled around it.

He smiled when he saw the living flower. Brought a hope back to him.

He was too lost in thoughts when suddenly he felt the crown was snatched away from his head harshly. Whatever it was it has sharp claws. Renjun screamed in pain, he brought his hand to the back of his head to see blood covering his hands. He winced in pain and looked around the forest.

He looked up to the sky to see a raven with his crown in its claws.

It didn't take long for the magic from the crown washed away from him, making him turned into a swan again. He promised himself to not let the crown lands on the wrong hands and he is definitely sensing something wrong with that raven.

Spreading his white wings, he then started to fly across the forest trying to catch the raven. It was definitely a very odd looking raven. As Renjun got closer, he tried knocking the raven with his bloody head.

But sadly, Renjun suddenly fell down hard to the ground, he groaned in pain as he tried to get up. It all happened so sudden. He felt like something dragged him down from the sky. He got u but was pushed back down to the ground, preventing him from getting up. He looked up to see a familiar figure with his foot on his small body.

"Why hello there Renjun, didn't expect you to see you so... Different," he smirked leaning down to take a closer look. Renjun was boiling angry, this man was the one who ruined his relationship with two of the most wonderful human beings.

When the man got closer to his face, Renjun couldn't help but snap and attack his face nonstop. The man winced in pain as he moved back stumbling back in his steps.

Renjun tool the chance and kept on attacking the man as his eyes scanned for the crown. The man groaned as he got a grip of Renjun's long neck, preventing the air to enter his lungs.

He gasped for air as the grip got tighter around his neck. "you messed with the wrong man, Huang Renjun."

And just like that Renjun was thrown to a large tree, hitting his back hard before landing on the ground.

The man approached the exhausted swan as Renjun tried to get up but the man just had to step on his wing. Renjun tried to pull his wing out but a hand gripped Renjun by the neck again.

"Give up Renjun, you are nothing. I have the crown and it is mine now."

He let go if the swan's neck as stomped on the swan one last time before leaving with a smirk.

Renjun could only watch the man walking away in full power. He failed.

He failed on doing one simple thing.

The man was right he was useless.

He was nothing.


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