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Three moon passed and three full sun passed

Haechan wiped the invisible sweat of his fur as he put the last finishing touch.

"And done! Yes! Finally!" he said, cheering with his hooves up in the air. Everyone cheered, taking their newly made suits. "Wow! We all did good." Hendery said as he took a good look of the suit. Yangyang and XiaoJun nodded, "I bet we look amazing in this." XiaoJun said.

"Of course! I did the design so it can not be bad."

Haechan exclaimed, earning groans from here and there. Renjun just chuckled as he thanked the pudu.

At the same time, deeper in the woods the three raven are already prepared for tonight's ball.

"What the hell?! Where's my bow?! Jiin! You thief! Give it back!"

"No! I'm going to wear! Besides you never even use it!"

"Well, I'm going to. Now give it back!"

"Girls! Behave!"

Their father shouted as he glared at them, his eyes turning to a burning red color.

"Sorry father." they said in unison, hanging their head low in embarrassment. They walked back upstairs to continue their argument away from their cranky father.

The male sighed as he rubbed his temples. He stared into a distance, admiring nothing but the dark and hideous sight of his swamp.

"Soon, I'll rule this land and everything in it, "

He growled lowly as the crystal orb beside him showed the scene of a smiling swan having fun with the rest of his friends. He glared, clenching his fists in anger letting the orb to shatter into millions of pieces.

"Starting with you, Huang Renjun."

Renjun cocked his head up as he felt the ground shake slightly. He looked up to the sky to see the birds flying from east to west.

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