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Don't cry anymore okay?

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Taeyong and Doyoung kept on debating with the father. He kept on insisting of staying in the palace until the wedding day. Unfortunately, the letter said it all. In three months, Jeno and Jaemin will get married. Three months just because Taeyong's father was feeling generous.

Not knowing if it's for them to get a way out or the time to get closer with the girls.

Either way, Taeyong and Doyoung didn't want anyone to stay in the palace especially someone who looks like will bring trouble.

"We understand your situation but this our home as well not a sanctuary." Doyoung said as his patience was nearing to the end. The male smirked when seeing the unhappy faces of both kings.

"Well, I will leave then but at least let my daughter stay here. To know each other a little more. "

Sighing, Taeyong looked at Doyoung for approval. Doyoung just hummed in response as he walked away from the two.

"Okay then, I'm sorry for all of this but we will let your daughters stay here."

"Excellent! I'll on my way then."

And with that the man exited the palace, feeling trouble lingering the man, Taeyong ordered several of his special guard to follow him.

"Don't get hurt."

"You worry too much Tae, "

"Can't help it. Last time you went on a mission I gave you almost lost an arm."

"But I didn't so don't worry. I'm a strong man. Take care of Ten while I'm gone."

Taeyong nodded and waved at the male.

"Johnny!" he called out. Turning around with a smile, "What is it now Taeyong?"

Taeyong bit his lips in worry. "Let Yuta come with you."

"If that makes you less worry then okay." he replied with his smile. For a giant, Johnny sure have a gentle smile. "I heard someone calling my name, "

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