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Breakfast went well

Waves of laughter filled the room

Certain happiness that Renjun never felt....

How he wish this feeling never ends....

❁ ❁ ❁

Renjun soon found himself laying on his comfy bed, surrounded by used dirty tissues. Wiping his runny nose as he flipped the next page of the book.

Reading his novel slowly as he kept on wiping his runny nose with tissues. The birds flew inside from the opened window, taking a spot on the boy's leg. He put the book down to take a look at his bird friends. The birds tweeted as the boy stroke its feathers, stroking it slowly as the other birds tweeted in anger signaling to take turns. The boy chuckled as he stroked each bird slowly and gently.

The boy laid back to his bed, picking the book up and continued reading it. He read every word slowly, imagining every scene in his head. He blushed slightly as he came over to a kissing scene. His mind and body were fighting whether he should continue reading or just skip it. He followed his body, staining his pure mind.

He gently pulled her chin towards him as he moved closer. Inches of the gap remains, he felt the hot breath touches his upper lips. He moved forward, breaking the gap between them, letting their lips melt with each other.

Moving slowly as her hand finds its way to his neck. Pulling him closer, making a deeper kiss. The boy's hand stayed at her waist pulling her closer.

The blond closed the book hardly, putting to the book down only to reveal a red face boy. He put the book back to it's home as he grabbed his cloak, exiting the house.

He walked towards the forest as his little critters soon joined him on his walk. He arrived at his hideout, the lake.

Staring at it deeply as the memory of the swans came flying back to him. He smiled at the memory. Taking a seat beside the lake before fiddling with the flowers around him. All the little critters soon joined him, circling around him. His rabbit friend approached him before handing a flower crown. He smiled at the gift, stroking the rabbit's head gently. He blushes slightly as the birds took the crown before he could even get it and place it perfectly on his head.

He looks at his reflection at the water beside him. Fixing his hair slightly before thinking it was perfect. He wipes his runny nose again with his handkerchief.


A sound of a broken branch startled the creatures, making them run away from the scene, leaving the boy alone. The blond stayed there in confusion as he looked to the pile of bushes. "Hello?" He called our standing up before walking closer to the bushes.

The little critters peeked from their hiding spot, looking at the blond boy as he walked closer to the green bushes. He looked closer at the bushes, trying to find someone who startled his little friends but suddenly he found himself falling to the ground. Landing on his back while someone landed on him.

They both groaned in pain from the impact, the boy underneath was squirming trying to get out but he was prevented by the other male on top of him. "Princess?" The male on top of him said. The blond eyes widen as he recognized the owner of the voice. "Prince Na?!"

Renjun said in shock before realizing the current position they were in. "What are you doing here in the middle of the woods Prince Na?!" Renjun asked as he tried to free himself from the prince above him. "I was about to ask you the same thing. What are you doing here?" The cotton candy prince asked not moving from his position.

"It's not of your business." The blond said look away from the prince gaze. "My people's business is my business so spit it out," Jaemin said, smirking in victory as the blond boy frowned. "I was taki- achoo!" Before he finished his sentence he was disturbed by a loud sneeze.

He wiped his nose with his handkerchief, making his nose red by the friction. The prince looked at the blond boy below him as he notices the red runny nose, the gloomy eyes. The boy was sick yet he still went out for a walk. The prince thought weird at the boy. "You're sick." He said bluntly as he felt horrible, knowing what was the cause. "I am not - achoo!" Renjun managed to say before sneezing again. The prince rolled his eyes "Yes you are, yet you still managed to take a walk." Jaemin said finally getting off from the small boy.

"I told I'm no- achoo!" Another sneeze came as Jaemin stared at the blond boy plainly. "Fine... I am. If you know that I'm sick then don't get close to me. You might get it as well." Renjun said wiping his nose again. "I have a good immune system."

Renjun stares at the prince before shrugging the comment off. The blond boy stood, going back to his original spot before he was disturbed by the clumsy prince. Jaemin looked at him weirdly as sat down beside the clear lake. He walked towards the boy, joining him. Sitting on a pile of flowers as the blond boy eyed him.

The blond stared at the clear water as the other male stared at the angel beside him. Jaemin didn't bother to reply properly when Renjun asked him questions, he just nodded randomly as he kept on staring the art in front of him.

Renjun turned to faces the pink haired only to met with a pair of brown eyes staring deeply into him. The blond never notice how beautiful the prince's eyes were. They were as beautiful as the kingdom's treasure, the Tigers Eye. Brown colored eyes staring deeply, he could feel unable to move as he wants nothing else other than to admire the rare treasures in front of him.

Jaemin continued to stare at the boy feature even though he was caught in the act. The prince couldn't help but keep glancing from the blond boy's brown orbs to his pinkish lips.

His lips looked so soft for the prince. The thought of kissing the boy right there, tempted him as he controlled himself to not go crazy for the small boy. He took the boy's small hands, holding it in his own hands as he caresses it gently.

"You know princess. Even though we just met today, I could feel myself being dragged towards you and I couldn't stop myself from falling for you."


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